Advertising with Food.News

Food.News now has advertising opportunities available for qualified advertisers. Please review the following information to determine which opportunity is the best fit for your business. Please note we have a limited number of advertisements slots each month and they fill up fast.

Audience Profile

Food.News readers are mostly female (65%). Our audience has above-average education and income levels. They are predominantly 30–50 years of age, and they are strongly passionate about self-reliance, holistic health, preparedness, healthy eating, liberty and clean foods.

Products that do well on Food.News

Natural health foods, supplements, raw ingredients, kitchen appliances, credible weight loss products (no junk, no fillers), home fitness equipment, herbs, natural remedies, health education courses, self improvement, eco-conscious products, energy conservation, renewable energy, green home products, preparedness and survival, natural body care, natural skin care, organic gardening, sustainable living, yoga, pilates, meditation, “Gaiam” type products. Health newsletters and books do very well, too.

Food.News PROHIBITS ads promoting products that contain: HFCS, yeast extract, MSG, aspartame, sucralose, sodium nitrite, hydrogenated oils, chemical pharmaceuticals, toxic perfumes and fragrance chemicals, etc. No gambling, casino, alcohol, firearms or adult content advertisements will be approved.

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