Delaware passes bill to use dead humans as compost
04/01/2024 / By News Editors / Comments
Delaware passes bill to use dead humans as compost

Okay folks, here’s another tale from the dark side of politics.

(Article by M Winger republished from

Looks like the Democrats’ have come up with a new way to descreate life.

Now, instead of ensuring a loved one gets a proper burial, they’re reduceded to the compost heap.

There is no sancity of life for the Left.

First they want to reduce us to animals.

“We came from apes.”

Then we’re a clump of cells.

Now you’re just soil.

The Washington Times reports:

The Delaware legislature has approved legislation that would allow residents to compost dead bodies instead of traditional burial in a casket or cremation.

Composting reduces the dead to soil using natural processes. As opposed to preservation using formaldehyde or cremation that releases carbon dioxide and mercury into the air, composting “uses large vessels to hold human remains together with straw, wood chips, or other natural materials for about 30 days,” the legislation explains.

The legislation now goes to the desk of Gov. John Carney, a Democrat, after the Delaware Senate’s 14-7 vote Thursday and the state House’s 37-2 approval in January.

In composting, the contents of the vessels are periodically turned, and the family of the deceased receives the composted soil at the end of the process.

The practice is legal in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California, New York and Nevada, according to the Associated Press.

Not all human remains would be allowed to be composted under the bill.

Those who died from a radiological accident or incident, those with radioactive implants and those who died infected with prion disease, Ebola, tuberculosis or any other disease that could survive the composting process will not be legally compostable.

Gateway Pundit adds:

The bill explains that composting human remains “uses large vessels to hold human remains together with straw, wood chips, or other natural materials for about 30 days.”

Supporters of human composting argue that it is an “environmentally sustainable and cost-effective alternative” to traditional burial and cremation.

According to a report from the Washington Times, “Those who died from a radiological accident or incident, those with radioactive implants and those who died infected with prion disease, Ebola, tuberculosis or any other disease that could survive the composting process will not be legally compostable.”

The Delaware House approved the bill 37-2 in January, and the state Senate passed it 14-7 on Thursday.

The bill will now move to Democrat Governor John Carney’s desk for approval.

Human composting is legal in Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, California, New York, and Nevada.

It was legalized in New York in 2023.

At the time, the New York State Catholic Conference vehemently opposed the bill.

“Composting is something we as a society associate with a sustainable method of eliminating organic trash that otherwise ends up in landfills. But human bodies are not household waste, and the bishops do not believe that the process meets the standard of reverent treatment of our earthly remains,” Dennis Poust, executive director of the New York State Catholic Conference, told the Catholic Courier.

“Like most bills in Albany, there were no public hearings allowing New Yorkers to weigh in on the pros and cons of the bill. It was all done behind closed doors,” Poust added. “The average New Yorker has no idea this bill was introduced, let alone passed. While it has been covered here and there in the press, it has received very little attention, which is troubling, because we certainly think that new methods of disposition of human remains ought to be talked about in society, and the public should have a chance to consider if this is a direction we want to go.”

Recompose is a Seattle funeral home that composts humans. It charges $7,000 and boasts that it can turn the deceased into soil in “as little as 30 days.”

The funeral home’s website explains that they offer a “laying in” ceremony when the body is placed in a vessel to compost.

How long have those ruling over the realm been using this?

Is that why human DNA was found in hot dogs?

Or is this death compost intended to be a coverup, if there is indeed dead remains in processed meats?

Then the can just say, “Of course there’s human DNA in the meat, their grass is grown from human compost.”

It seems the Left are constantly proving that they are indeed a death cult.

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