You will eat ze bugs! Switzerland brainwashing kids to eat INSECTS
05/04/2023 / By Ramon Tomey / Comments
You will eat ze bugs! Switzerland brainwashing kids to eat INSECTS

Switzerland, known as the land of cheese and chocolate, is now brainwashing school children to eat a less appetizing food item: insects.

In a May 2 report, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recounted an event organized in a middle school in Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland. Students at the school gathered around a table laden with snacks made of insects. They then scooped the bug smorgasbord consisting of spiced mealworms, paprika-dusted crickets and crackers that contained cricket powder.

“It doesn’t taste like a bug. It just tastes like what it’s seasoned with,” said 13-year-old Ana Munoz, who was eating a cricket. Her face later turned to that of disgust after eating the mealworms.


“Thinking of the insects, it’s a little bit disgusting but it was good,” said 13-year-old Sydney Soldini. She bought some edible insects and fed them as a prank to her friends without telling them what was inside.

While Munoz and Soldini tried out the insects, one 13-year-old child at the event wasn’t that excited. “I already eat enough insects when I go to Colombia, so I don’t have to eat them here,” he said.

The event at the middle school was organized by Timothee Olivier of Swiss Insects, an association of companies selling insects for human consumption. He has been touring Swiss schools for the past four years, touting the benefits of entomophagy and giving away samples of edible insects for schoolchildren to try.

Olivier noted that schoolchildren are “young [and] more open to novelty,” making them the perfect targets for brainwashing. He continued: “At some point, if not tomorrow, then later, they will include insects in their diet.”

Switzerland became the first country in Europe to permit the sale of insects as human food in 2017, following a lobbying campaign by edible insect startups. The European Union (EU) followed with a continent-wide approval in 2021. The bloc also approved the use of cricket flour as a food ingredient in January of this year.

Dutch school kids are being groomed to EAT ZE BUGS

A report by the Dutch news outlet RTV Oost expounded on a separate endeavor in the Netherlands. The entomophagy campaign was launched at the Octopus primary school in the city of Zwolle, located in the northeastern province of Overijssel.

The “Taste Week” campaign involved the school’s canteen serving mealworms, lupine worms and other insects for students to try. Gert Harm ten Bolscher, a member of the executive council of Overijssel province, joined in to have a bite of the worms. (Related: Elementary school kids in the Netherlands BRAINWASHED to eat worms.)

The provincial government also created 100 teaching packs for edible insects in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research, and made them available to 100 primary schools in Overijssel – including the Octopus school. It remains unknown if the parents agreed to, or were made aware of, these questionable nutritional experiments.

After initial hesitation, pupils carefully put the mealworms in their mouths. However, only a few found the insects appetizing.

This disgust toward insects is not surprising. The WSJ reported: “Regulators viewed them as a threat to human health. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration classifies insects that aren’t an intentional ingredient as ‘filth.'”

But the globalists spearheaded by the World Economic Forum are deceiving people about the supposed benefits of entomophagy. They say insects are safe to eat and contain protein and other vitamins. Moreover, globalists claim that raising insects for human consumption only emit a fraction of the greenhouse gases generated by traditional livestock farming.

French senator and farmer Laurent Duplomb rebuked the European Commission for giving in to “anti-meat lobbies” and undermining both “agriculture and … gastronomic culture.” His remarks were in response to the EU’s approval of cricket flour.

He also issued an invitation for those promoting the consumption of insects: “I invite those who wish to eat crickets to come and eat them directly in my meadows. They will be natural, whole, unground and unprocessed.”

Watch Owen Shroyer and Evelyn Rae discuss the cricket meal adopted by 1,000 Australian schools below.

This video is from the InfoWars channel on

More related stories:

Schools in Dutch province serving INSECTS to students.

British government funding experiments that involve feeding African children INSECTS.

OBEY: Europeans will soon be eating bugs after mealworms get the green light from food regulators.

Poor African schoolchildren being fed termites and worms in controversial experiment backed by UK government.

YOU WILL EAT BUGS AND BE HAPPY: Wales now feeding schoolchildren mealworms and crickets for lunch as part of the Great Reset rollout.

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