Over a year ago, I began publicly warning the world about the global famine implications of the loss of natural gas supplies for Europe. Through the Haber chemical process, natural gas is combined with atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to create ammonia (NH3), the key molecule for creating nitrogen-based fertilizers that grow the crops necessary to feed an estimated 4 billion people across the planet.
I warned that if natural gas supplies were not abundant in Europe — and to BASF in particular — that fertilizer production would plummet, and there would not be enough fertilizer to grow the crops to feed the world.
Several months ago, I met Michael Yon (MichaelYon.Locals.com), an international journalist and analyst who saw the exact same thing at about the same time. He visited with BASF executives in Germany, and he and recorded several interviews with me about the catastrophe that would unfold if BASF shuttered operations in Germany due to a lack of natural gas from Russia. (See our most recent urgent interview recorded last night, below.)
Since then, America destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, semi-permanently cutting off Germany from Russian gas. This was the final nail in the coffin, following the USA / NATO effort on economic sanctions that ultimately resulted in Russia’s Gazprom cutting off all gas exports to Germany (and, effectively, the rest of Europe as well).
Now, in an announcement that Michael Yon, David DuByne and myself all warned was coming, BASF has announced they are partially shuttering operations in Germany and moving capacity to China, where the “greenies” don’t have control over insane anti-energy policies (and where electricity prices aren’t 1000% above the norm).
From the Financial Times:
BASF has said it will have to downsize “permanently” in Europe, with high energy costs making the region increasingly uncompetitive.
“The European chemical market has been growing only weakly for about a decade [and] the significant increase in natural gas and power prices over the course of this year is putting pressure on chemical value chains,” chief executive Martin Brudermüller said on Wednesday.
Brudermüller said the European gas crisis, coupled with stricter industry regulations in the EU, was forcing the company to cut costs in the region “as quickly as possible and also permanently”.
There’s no way to sugar coat that. It’s a permanent downsizing of BASF. And according to additional sources, this is just the beginning of BASF’s abandoning Germany for good. The downsizing will continue to the point where there’s hardly any production happening in Europe at all.
After all, what choice do they have? With natural gas pipelines destroyed (by the USA), economic sanctions against Russia still in place, and lunatic greenie cultists demanding an end to human civilization, BASF has concluded it can no longer operate in Europe, a continent dominated by an actual death cult of climate lunatics and power-hungry political zealots.
Today is the pivot point. Europe dies from here forward, and it doesn’t recover for generations. It’s done. Almost nobody realizes this yet, but the dominoes are already falling.
Europe is rapidly plunging into a continent on a collision course with total collapse: no industry, no supply chains, no energy, no metals, no fertilizer and no food. The “first world” status of Europe will be a distant memory after just 2-3 winters without food and energy, and once Europe’s industrial infrastructure is shuttered, there’s no easy way to bring it back online.
This is going to end in mass civil unrest, famine, pandemics and WAR. It will also see revolutions and the toppling of governments, currencies and entire economies. The house of cards is coming down.
Because Michael Yon also saw this coming, I invited him on last night for an emergency interview. You can hear that full conversation (about one hour) here:
– Dire implications of BASF shuttering operations in Europe
– The coming MASS STARVATION and FREEZING of Europe
– Why War, Pandemics and Famine always go together
– Germans are clear-cutting old growth forests for firewood
– Deindustrialization is here – steel plants shut down
– “Crystal clear” that FAMINE will sweep across Europe
– Mass human migration will be unleashed globally
– Why “greenies” are a SUICIDE cult
– Transportation infrastructure failues / diesel shortages
– Fertilizer shortages and crop failures in America
In addition to that interview with Michael Yon, today’s podcast covers details about the transportation collapse that’s worsening in the USA, the looming diesel shortage, the collapsing railroad union deal and much more.
– BASF announces “permanent” partial shuttering of operationsin Europe
– This will set off supply chain Armageddon across Europe
– No BASF = No fertilizer = NO FOOD
– Jim Cramer CRIES about plummeting META stock
– Tech stocks crater; Elon seizes helm of #Twitter
– Actor Tim Robbins admits truth about #vaccines
– Don’t vote until Election Day!
– World’s largest STEEL PLANTS shutting down in Germany
– Fertilizer SHORTAGE in America as exports go to Europe
– Arrogant vaccine pushers keep dying suddenly
– Second railroad union rejects deal
– UK power grid may be turned off on cold nights
– US oil refineries, once turned off, will NEVER come back online
– Huge flooding in Australia destroys wheat crops
– Interview with Michael Yon
– Interview with Kay Rubacek
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See more news reporting on the world fertilizer supply at FertilizerWatch.com
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