3 Health benefits from drinking silicon-rich mineral water
04/20/2021 / By Winnie Martin / Comments
3 Health benefits from drinking silicon-rich mineral water

Drinking eight to ten glasses of water each day has a number of health effects. However, drinking silicon-rich mineral water takes things a notch higher. Unfortunately, common tap water contains very low levels of dissolved silicon or silicic acid – commonly called silica. The water treatment process removes a huge amount of silica from drinking water before it heads to your tap.

Silica is considered a naturally-occurring water contaminant, and it is usually removed before water is reused. If not treated, silica accumulates on surfaces as hard mineral deposits called scale. Lime softening and reverse osmosis are some of the common methods used to remove it. However, removing silica from drinking water also removes its capability to remove toxins such as aluminum from the body.

Keele University chemistry professor Christopher Exley says silicon-rich drinking water can help remove toxic aluminum from the body and the brain. Aluminum is widely found in the environment, with our bodies accumulating it over time. This toxin has been strongly linked to different brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

Silicon-rich mineral water comes with a plethora of health benefits – and here are three of them!

Silicon-rich mineral water helps address Alzheimer’s disease

A 2012 study looked at how silicon-rich mineral water can reduce the aluminum levels of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers conducted the experiment by giving a group of 15 patients with Alzheimer’s disease with silicon-rich water. The patients’ partners and caregivers served as the control group.

After a 12-week period, the study found that Alzheimer’s patients who underwent silicon-rich mineral water therapy registered lower amounts of aluminum in their bodies. Furthermore, at least three out of the 15 patients with Alzheimer’s disease showed an improvement in their cognitive functions. Exley was among the researchers who worked on this study. His team noted that this study tested out the “aluminum hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease” and a study spanning a longer term is now warranted.

Silicon-rich mineral water helps address multiple sclerosis

Five years later, Exley and other researchers looked at the effects of silicon-rich mineral water on multiple sclerosis patients. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating neurological condition whose cause is not yet fully known. However, the research team noted that previous research suggested a connection with aluminum exposure. They confirmed this by analyzing urine samples from both female and male participants. Female MS patients expelled urine with high amounts of aluminum compared to males.

Regardless of the amount of aluminum being expelled through urine, the study found that regularly drinking silicon-rich mineral water helped remove excess aluminum in the body. The team suggested that silicon-rich mineral water may be an effective and non-invasive therapy for those suffering multiple sclerosis.

Silicon-rich mineral water helps address bone problems

A separate study performed in 2010 examined if silicon-rich mineral water had any effects on post-menopausal women experiencing bone problems. The study gave a group of 17 women with low bone mass silicon-rich mineral water or low-silicon drinking water for 12 weeks.

At the end of the study period, the research team found that as much as half of ingested silicon is excreted in urine. This appeared to be a good marker of silicon absorption, as bottled water with 86 milligrams of silica increased the amount of it being expelled. They concluded that silica in bottled water provides easily absorbed dietary silicon safely and effectively. Coupled with earlier studies on dietary silicon’s effects on bone health, silicon showed significant promise as an alternative treatment for bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

Exley explains that silicon-rich mineral waters help remove aluminum from the body because of their high amounts of soluble silicon or silicic acid. This form of silicon makes its way through the gut and into the bloodstream. It then merges with aluminum to form hydroxyaluminosilicate, which the kidneys can easily filter. Thus, silicon-rich mineral waters increase the amount of aluminum excreted via urine as seen in the 2010 and 2017 studies.

You can purchase silicon-rich mineral water in some stores, but it is generally available in different countries. If you want to buy silicon-rich drinking water, look for a minimum concentration of 30 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or 30 parts per million (ppm). Silicon-rich waters have the word “silica” on their label.

Drink silicon-rich mineral water and feel your toxins being washed away – to a cleaner and healthier you!

Head over to FoodCures.news to find out the therapeutic effects of silicon-rich mineral water.








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