Baked goods and processed foods are often made with eye-catching food dyes. But studies have shown that these food dyes contain harmful ingredients linked to health problems like cancer.
Protect your family from harmful synthetic food coloring by learning how to make non-toxic DIY food coloring using natural ingredients like fruits and vegetables.
Studies are still ongoing to determine the effects and potential risks of food dyes on human health.
While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) once approved at least 91 food dyes, many have been banned once studies confirmed their negative effects in lab tests. This isn’t too surprising since food dyes are synthesized from coal tar or petroleum.
Even other food dyes currently approved by the FDA can still have some negative effects. According to a study, all nine U.S.-approved food dyes are associated with health risks. Results showed that Red 3 causes cancer in animals and Red 40, Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 may be contaminated with carcinogens.
“The inadequacy of much of the testing and the evidence for carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, and hypersensitivity, coupled with the fact that dyes do not improve the safety or nutritional quality of foods, indicates that all of the currently used dyes should be removed from the food supply and replaced, if at all, by safer colorings,” warned researchers.
Other studies also suggest that food dyes may cause health problems in children such as:
Even if some food dyes are safe to consume in smaller quantities, a lot of products contain levels of food dye high enough to be considered harmful.
Steer clear of harmful food dyes by avoiding junk food and processed foods. Doing this ensures that you consume less processed and high-sugar foods.
Products that contain dangerous food dye include:
Food dyes are also used in products like mouthwash, toothpaste, and vitamins.
Check out the recipes below to make food dyes that you can mix and match while making baked goods or other dishes that require food coloring.
Beets are often used to make pink or red food dyes. Alternatively, you can use pomegranate juice or liquid strained from pulverized raspberries. But these fruits will change the flavor of your dish recipe more than beets.
To make red dye with beets, use some of the liquid from canned beets. Another option is to boil or juice raw beets and use the resulting liquid to dye cake batter or frosting.
When using the liquid from boiled beets, bring the beets to a boil before reducing the heat and simmer until the beets are tender. Use the remaining liquid as a red or pink dye.
To make pink batter, frosting, or icing, add a teaspoon of beet juice. For a darker pink hue, add more beet juice.
Yellow and orange food coloring
To make yellow or orange food coloring, try experimenting with golden beets or turmeric.
Use turmeric straight by stirring the powdered form into icing or dough. Follow the recipe below if you want to make a more traditional dye.
Alternatively, you can use pulverized mangoes.
Saffron works too, but it’s more expensive than turmeric. When using saffron, don’t add too much because it will overpower other flavors in your dish.
For a deeper orange, use carrot juice.
This recipe uses spinach to make green icing.
You can also use these ingredients to make green food coloring:
Follow the recipe below to make blue or purple food coloring from red cabbage or radicchio.
The color in the cabbage juice itself isn’t particularly sensitive to temperature, but the mixture with the baking soda is. When using the blue cabbage dye, add the color after the food item has cooled or only add it to food items that won’t be heated.
Avoid eating junk food and processed foods made with harmful artificial food dyes.
Instead, learn how to make natural food dyes so you can cook colorful meals without any dangerous chemicals.