An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But as it turns out, you’re better off eating two.
A recent study found that eating two apples a day can help reduce total and “bad” cholesterol levels. The researchers behind the study attributed the fruit’s cholesterol-lowering effects to dietary fiber and plant compounds called polyphenols. Besides lowering cholesterol, polyphenols can improve blood vessel function.
For their study, the researchers recruited 40 volunteers, all of whom had mildly high cholesterol levels. They divided the participants into two groups. One group ate two Renetta Canada apples daily for four weeks, while the other group drank an apple control beverage that had the same amount of calories and sugar as the two apples.
After a four-week washout period, those in the apple control beverage group were asked to eat two apples daily for four weeks, while the rest received the control beverage. The researchers measured the participants’ cholesterol, blood sugar and insulin levels before and after each treatment period.
The results showed that participants had healthier and more relaxed blood vessels after eating the apples. Plus, they had lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as “bad” cholesterol. Eating apples did not lead to a reduction in high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good” cholesterol.
The researchers believe the apples’ cholesterol-lowering effects are because of fiber and polyphenols. Two apples give you about a quarter of your daily fiber needs. Apples are especially high in a type of fiber called pectin, which is known to affect how lipids like cholesterol and triglycerides are processed and absorbed in your intestine.
In addition, Renetta Canada apples are especially high in a class of polyphenols called proanthocyanidins. These compounds help lower LDL-cholesterol while raising HDL-cholesterol. LDL can clog your arteries and put you at risk of heart disease and stroke.
Cheap and readily available, apples come in various colors, from pale green to deep red. The texture and flavor of apples vary as well and range from juicy to firm and sweet to tangy.
With over 2,000 varieties to choose from, there’s really no excuse not to get your hands on some apples. And you definitely won’t regret it once you learn about what apples have to offer. Check out the other outstanding health benefits of apples:
Apples are nutrient-dense superfoods capable of lowering your cholesterol levels. They offer plenty of other health benefits, too. Experience those benefits when you incorporate apples into your daily diet.