Chia seeds are a popular ingredient in green smoothies and other healthy recipes. But are these tiny seeds worth all the hype?
Alicia Romano, a registered dietitian at Tufts Medical Center and media spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics, says they are. After all, chia seeds may be tiny but they’re a superfood chock-full of dietary fiber.
Chia seeds are nutrient-rich seeds that come from the plant Salvia hispanica. A complete protein, chia seeds are also one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Unlike other seeds, chia seeds can quickly absorb water. The seeds can also in at least 10 times their weight in liquid! The final product is chia water with a gel-like texture.
Chia seeds may be bland, but studies have found that they can improve glucose control, boost heart health and improve your digestion!
Chia seeds can help balance blood sugar
In one study, researchers fed rats a diet that includes chia seeds or oil from the seeds. The findings revealed that chia seeds helped improved the animal subjects’ response to glucose (blood sugar) and insulin.
A separate study showed that a diet of chia seeds improved several metabolic factors in insulin-resistant rats. While continued research on humans can help determine if chia seeds can be used to naturally balance blood sugar, consuming the seeds may help balance blood sugar because their high dietary fiber content can slow the absorption of sugar.
Chia seeds can boost your heart health
Chia seeds are full of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 that usually comes from plants. The human body can convert ALA into two other omega-3 fatty acids: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Data suggests that omega 3s are needed for a healthy cardiovascular system, but researchers are still studying how omega 3s work. Further research can help scientists figure out if omega 3s lower cholesterol, lower stroke and heart attack risk, or reduce blood pressure.
Chia seeds boost your digestive health
The dietary fiber in chia seeds is good for your digestion! According to Romano, chia seeds are one of the best sources of fiber.
Two tablespoons of chia seeds contain 10 grams of finer, which is “one-third of the daily fiber recommendation for American men.” The same serving is almost 50 percent of the fiber recommendation for most women!
Additionally, the fiber in chia seeds is mainly soluble fiber, which helps you feel full longer and slows down digestion.
If you’re not used to drinking chia seeds with water, Romano advised against drinking a whole glass of the mixture in one go because this can cause stomach discomfort.
As the name implies, chia seed water is made with just chia seeds and water. If you want to make the drink tastier, you can add natural flavorings like citrus or honey!
Drinking chia seed water offers the same general health benefits as eating chia seeds. However, it’s best to increase your water intake as you gradually add chia seeds to your diet. You can do this by adding chia seeds to your green smoothie or a bowl of oatmeal.
To make “chia gel,” Romano recommends adding 1/4 cup of chia seeds to one cup of water. Once the chia seeds have absorbed the liquid, you can use the chica gel “as a nutritional booster and thickener” for different foods.
Here are three chia seed recipes to try if you want to boost your fiber intake and improve your digestion.
Vegan blueberry chia seed smoothie
This smoothie pairs chia seeds with blueberries for a tasty smoothie that will help you feel full longer.
Ingredients for 1 serving:
Overnight oats with bananas and chia seeds
A bowl of overnight oats is the perfect breakfast for anyone who wants something quick, filling and nutritious. This recipe adds chia seeds to tasty natural ingredients like sweet bananas, crunchy toasted almonds and rolled oats!
Ingredients for 2 servings:
Strawberry cheesecake chia pudding
Chia pudding is a great alternative to sugary store-bought pudding. This recipe gives strawberry cheesecake a healthy twist by using a creamy coconut-infused base, sweet strawberry jam, fresh berries and almonds.
This dessert is a guilt-free alternative to sinful cheesecake, and you can make it at home using only six ingredients!
Ingredients for 1 serving:
Use chia seeds to make tasty desserts like chia pudding or a smoothie to boost your digestive health!