Coffee is the go-to morning beverage for many people. Recent statistics note that Americans brewed nearly 27.16 million bags of coffee beans in 2018 — a figure that roughly translates to around 450 million cups of joe every day for that year.
This near-religious devotion to coffee, according to its most earnest drinkers, stems from its ability to keep coffee drinkers awake and alert, among other things.
Despite the hype surrounding coffee, however, others choose not to drink it for a variety of reasons. Some people cite the high amount of caffeine as a reason why they stay away from it, noting that it can cause unpleasant side effects such as nervousness, agitation and digestive distress, as well as headaches.
If you’re among those who don’t like coffee, or if you’re planning on cutting down on your caffeine intake but still want its stimulating effects, don’t worry — there are plenty of alternatives that you can try.
The key here, according to nutritionist and dietician Willow Jarosh, is finding something that you love about coffee, in another drink.
“If it’s the flavor, then looking for something that has a rich, complex flavor is key. If it’s the warmth of a soothing morning sip, then a warm option is important. If it’s the caffeine buzz, then that should be a part of the alternative as well. If you need to replace coffee for some reason, then at least your alternative can bring you the most joy!” Jarosh noted in an interview.
With that said, here are some delicious and energizing coffee alternatives that you can try:
Matcha is a type of green tea that was first developed by the Japanese during the 12th century.
Noted for its strong, earthy flavor, matcha is made by covering tea plants with a cloth a month or so before harvest season. This lack of direct sunlight forces the plants to amp up their chlorophyll production, which then boosts their amino acid and antioxidant content.
Upon harvesting, the freshly-picked leaves are then quickly steamed in order to retain more of the leaves’ color, fresh flavor and nutrients. After that, the leaves are then shredded and powdered before being packed into bags or in cans.
Matcha possesses a bevy of health-supporting properties, all of which stem from its rich antioxidant and nutrient content. These include its ability to promote a healthy cardiovascular system, support optimal cognitive function and promote healthy weight management. Now that’s one potent pick-me-up.
Golden milk is a traditional Indian drink that people make with turmeric, which gives it a bright golden hue.
The origins of golden milk can be traced back to ancient India, where it was used in ayurvedic medicine to help treat health issues such as insomnia, coughs, and colds. Today, it is widely drunk for its energizing properties, as well as its ability to ease aching joints, promote optimal gut health, uplift your mood, support a healthy cardiovascular system and even promote healthy cognitive function.
Its exotic name notwithstanding, golden milk is actually a relatively easy beverage to prepare – and with a pretty basic list of ingredients to boot. According to traditional cooks, you only need fresh turmeric root, any type milk of your choosing, and a variety of spices such as black pepper, ginger and cinnamon.
One of the more exotic offerings in this list, Yerba Mate Tea is a drink that is brewed from the leaves and twigs of a similarly-named plant native to South America.
This drink is known for its energizing properties which are likely due to its impressive caffeine and theobromine content. Yerba Mate is filled with antioxidants that are known to help lower blood pressure and even prevent heart disease.
Lest you think that its effects will likely just mirror coffee’s, however, think again. Yerba Mate not only gives its drinkers longer-lasting energy, it does so without any jittery feeling, unlike a hot cup of joe.
While a warm mug of hot cocoa is usually drunk during bedtime as a nightcap, cocoa can actually serve as a great alternative to coffee.
According to experts, this is because cocoa contains theobromine, an antioxidant that has been linked to benefits such as promoting wakefulness, lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, mood and even respiratory health.
In addition, theobromine offers milder, longer-acting effects than caffeine, and with fewer adverse side effects, making it perfect for those who don’t like the jitters that may come from drinking too much coffee.
One of the many health drinks that exploded on social media a few years back, kombucha is a fermented, lightly effervescent, sweetened drink commonly made from black or green tea.
As it is made from tea, kombucha possesses all of the health-supporting properties attributed to the classic drink, albeit with an added twist — it’s also packed full of beneficial bacteria or probiotics.
This combination of antioxidants and probiotics, according to experts, are responsible for the benefits associated with kombucha, such as reducing your heart disease risks, preventing oxidative damage and even reductions in your risk for certain types of cancers.
With that said, here are some recipes you can try:
Whether you’re looking to cut your coffee consumption or just try some alternatives to that ever-present cup of joe, these tasty and nutritious drinks are a sure-fire way to get yourself energized for another whole day of work.