Plant-based foods are the best cancer-fighting foods, according to researchers. This is because biologically active chemicals abound in plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. In addition to these natural components, plant-based foods also contain plenty of nutrients that our bodies need to get from dietary sources.
For years, studies have highlighted the anti-cancer benefits of eating vegetables, especially those that belong to the Allium and Brassica genera. You may have read articles extolling the ability of allium vegetables, such as garlic, onion and leeks, to lower the risk of certain cancers. In a similar vein, cruciferous vegetables like turnips, broccoli and collard greens have also been found to possess cancer-preventive properties.
But vegetables are not the only plant-based foods you can add to your diet to boost your cancer protection. According to a recent study, apples also have cancer-fighting abilities, thanks to certain micronutrients found in their juicy flesh. Polyphenols, which are organic compounds present in fruits, vegetables and herbs, are known for their health-promoting properties, and apple polyphenols happen to have, among other things, anti-cancer activities.
One of the first — if not the first — fruits we become familiar with as children, apples are easy to distinguish from all other fruits. Ripe apples are usually red — although they also come in green, pink and yellow — and have a distinctly round, conical shape. Under their thin skin, apples are soft and juicy yet crunchy at the same time.
Although apples are too common to be seen as interesting, they are some of the most nutrient-dense fruits you can find on the planet. Apples also offer plenty of health benefits, which is why there’s an adage that says, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Here are the nutrients you can get from eating one large apple (242 grams):
Other nutrients found in apples include copper, magnesium, folate (vitamin B9), vitamin K, vitamin E and beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. And because they have a low glycemic index (between 34 to 38) — meaning they’re unlikely to cause blood sugar spikes — apples are safe for diabetics.
Here are some of the impressive benefits you can gain from eating apples. (h/t to
Many studies show that the active compounds found in certain plants are effective at preventing a variety of diseases, including cancer. Among these compounds, polyphenols are some of the best cancer-fighting agents discovered by scientists. Apples, a popular superfood with reported anti-cancer effects, contain high amounts of polyphenols, and many believe these chemicals are responsible for most of apples’ health benefits.
In a recent study, a team of Italian researchers looked into the cancer-fighting ability of polyphenols extracted from Annurca apples. Specifically, they looked at how these compounds affected the growth of breast cancer cells.
Annurca apples are an old cultivar of apples native to Southern Italy. Small and oval-shaped, Annurca apples are described as aromatic but not overly sweet. Unlike most apple varieties, Annurca apples are produced differently. They are harvested in October while they are still unripe and left to ripen on straw beds until December. The straw absorbs the humidity and prevents the apples from rotting while they slowly ripen under the sun. This process of exposing Annurca apples to the sun is what gives them their unique scent, flavor and hue.
Previous studies have looked at Annurca apples and what makes them different from other apple varieties. In terms of health benefits, Annurca apples have been found to reduce bad cholesterol levels and protect against free radical damage, which causes premature aging and chronic diseases. Because of these properties, scientists consider Annurca apples functional foods.
Multiple analyses revealed that the polyphenols in Annurca apples can stop breast cancer cells from proliferating. The researchers also reported that Annurca apple polyphenols halted the cell cycle, which had adverse effects on cancer cells. Specifically, the actions of Annurca apple polyphenols led to the death of cancer cells, which explains why the proliferation of cancer cells stopped after treatment with the extracts. Because of these findings, the researchers were convinced the polyphenols in Annurca apples are potent anti-cancer agents that can be used to treat or prevent breast cancer.
Although they are far from exotic, apples are delicious superfoods that can provide us with many of the nutrients we need. Apples also contain a variety of plant nutrients that offer substantial health benefits. Besides promoting brain and heart health, apples offer protection against serious diseases like cancer. You can enjoy all of the health benefits of apples by including them in your daily diet and eating at least one apple a day to keep deadly diseases at bay.