If ever there was a plant that would best fit the description afforded to the “Tree of Life” – it would have to be the moringa tree.
Also known as the horseradish or drumstick tree, the moringa is native to the foothills of the Himalayas in the northern part of India, where it was first cultivated because of its health benefits. Despite its Asiatic origin, moringa has since been naturalized in Africa and tropical America, where it is cultivated and considered a vital food source – especially in drought and famine-prone areas.
The moringa tree – known to the scientific community as the Moringa olifeira – first saw extensive use in the ancient Indian healing practice called Ayurveda, where it is considered to be particularly helpful when it comes to balancing the Kapha (earth and water) and Vata (air and ether) doshas or bodily components.
Aside from being a medicinal plant, moringa is also considered to be a superfood, with numerous studies noting not just its impressive essential amino acid content, but also the high amounts of essential vitamins and minerals in its system.
Here’s the fun part: All parts of the moringa tree – bark, pods, leaves, nuts, seeds, tubers, roots, and flowers – are edible. The leaves, for instance, may be used fresh, or dried and ground into powder. The seed pods, on the other hand, are picked while still green and are eaten fresh or cooked, much like the asparagus.
As is often the case with most superfoods from exotic locations, ancestral knowledge regarding the use of the moringa tree was passed down from generation to generation. Recently, different scientific and nutritional studies of the moringa tree have confirmed what folk healers and traditional cooks have known for generations: Moringa is loaded with incredible health benefits, most of which stem from the plant’s impressive nutrient stores.
According to nutritionists, moringa contains high amounts of vitamins A, C, D, E and K, as well as all B vitamins. It is also rich in calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Aside from that, moringa is also extremely low in fats and contains no cholesterol.
Broken down, here are some of the nutrients you can get from a single 100-gram serving of moringa leaves:
In addition to its nature as a nutrient-dense superfood, the moringa tree is also extremely rich in antioxidants such as quercetin and chlorogenic acid. The plant contains up to 46 antioxidants within its cells.
It’s because of its impressive nutrient concentration that food organizations use moringa as a tool in the fight against malnutrition in developing countries.
In its native India, the moringa tree is said to be able to help solve 300 ailments – a claim that is steadily being proven by modern science.
Among the health benefits of moringa is its ability to support one’s digestive system, promote optimal health for the gut microbiome and maintain a healthy liver. Research has also shown that moringa can help support healthy hormone production and even fight inflammation — all thanks to its rich nutrient stores.
However, moringa also has other properties that may be more specific and attuned to the needs of men:
Moringa seeds and leaves are rich in sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates, which may help prevent the growth of certain cancers, including those of the prostate.
Moringa is also believed to help prevent the development of benign prostate hyperplasia, an enlargement of the prostate that typically becomes more common as men age.
Moringa leaves may help address reproductive issues in men, such as erectile dysfunction since these contain beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols, which may enhance blood flow by helping stabilize the body’s nitric oxide production.
Nitric oxide is a vasodilator produced by the human body that relaxes the inner muscles of one’s blood vessels. This causes the blood vessels to widen, which then results in increased blood flow to specific areas of the body.
In addition to possibly helping address erectile dysfunction, moringa may also help men who are experiencing problems related to fertility. Researchers found that antioxidants found in moringa leaves and seeds help combat oxidative damage that can interfere with sperm production or damage sperm DNA, thus improving sperm quality.
Moringa leaf powder can significantly improve semen volume, as well as sperm count and motility in rabbits. According to researchers, however, more studies should be done to see if it will have the same effect on humans.
Moringa may aid in healthy muscle growth
Unlike other plants, moringa leaves are packed with protein. They also supply the complete range of essential amino acids, which means it effectively supports the growth, repair and maintenance of lean muscle mass.
Because of its impressive protein content, vegans and vegetarians often turn to moringa to get enough of this essential nutrient.
Pro tip: Add a tablespoon or so of moringa powder into your favorite workout smoothie. Thank us later.
If you’re able to purchase moringa leaves fresh from a local farmer, you can simply add those to soups, as well as stews and stir-fried dishes. Flavor-wise, the leaves taste just like spinach and may be used as a more protein-packed alternative to the kitchen staple. The seed pods, meanwhile, are fleshy and possess a flavor profile that’s similar to asparagus. These can be steamed and added to savory stews and crisp salads.
If you are not able to get fresh moringa leaves and seedpods, you can always drop by your corner health food store to get moringa powder. Not to worry though – these powders are simply dried moringa leaves and seedpods and offer the same health benefits as fresh moringa.
Here are some recipes featuring moringa that you can try:
One of the easiest ways to increase your consumption of moringa is to incorporate it into smoothies, such as this one, which blends nutrient powerhouses avocados, spinach and moringa.
One of the latest superfoods to come into the public eye, the moringa plant not only boasts an extensive and colorful history, but it also prides itself on having an impressive trove of phytonutrients – all of which have since been linked to an armada of health benefits.
Packed to the brim with health-supporting vitamins, nutrients and minerals, the moringa plant is the one superfood you ought to be adding to your food stocks now.
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