7 Reasons why grass-fed beef is better for you
04/07/2020 / By Arsenio Toledo / Comments
7 Reasons why grass-fed beef is better for you

Grass-fed beef is the best option if you want to consume meat. But what makes it better than other kinds of beef?

Being “grass-fed” is more than just not feeding animals grain or unhealthy feeds. According to the American Grassfed Association, grass-fed animals are “those that have eaten nothing but grass and forage from weaning to harvest, have not been raised in confinement and have never been fed antibiotics or growth hormones.”

With that being said, here are seven reasons why grass-fed beef is better for you.

Grass-fed beef stabilizes your blood sugar levels

Grass-fed beef contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA is a fatty acid that lowers your risk of several diseases and conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Studies have shown that people with adequate amounts of CLA in their system have better insulin sensitivity. Being more insulin sensitive means your blood sugar levels are more stable. Therefore, consuming grass-fed beef can improve your blood sugar levels.

Grass-fed beef contains less bacteria

An investigation from the organization Consumer Reports found that conventional beef is more prone to contain disease-causing bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, which they found in over 80 percent of the over 300 packages of ground beef that they acquired for their investigations. They also found that nearly 20 percent of the beef they sampled contained Clostridium perfringens, a bacteria that is responsible for over a million cases of food poisoning in the United States every year.

When comparing grass-fed beef with its conventional counterpart, further research found that over 18 percent of non-grass-fed beef contained antibiotic-resistant bacteria, compared to only around nine percent in the grass-fed beef.

Grass-fed beef lowers your risk of heart disease

Clinical studies have shown that grass-fed beef decreases your risk of heart disease thanks in part due to the increased consumption of CLA, which is also beneficial for heart health. Other than that, the antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are also found in abundance in grass-fed beef, further supporting your heart. Furthermore, grass-fed beef is known to have fewer unhealthy fats and to actively lower the amount of LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) in your system. LDL cholesterol is a marker of cardiovascular disease.

Grass-fed beef lowers your risk of cancer

The CLA in grass-fed beef is also beneficial due to its anti-cancer properties. One study even found that foods rich in CLA were able to lower the risk of breast cancer in women by roughly 60 percent. Most nutrients that bear properties that fight against cancer are derived from fruits and vegetables. Grass-fed beef is unique as one of the only meat-based foods that have anti-cancer nutrients.

Grass-fed beef contains a lot of electrolytes

Electrolyte replenishment is essential in people who exercise a lot or whose jobs involve a lot of physical activity. The three main electrolytes, sodium, potassium and magnesium, aren’t easily replenished by just drinking some water. One strip of grass-fed steak can contain around 118 milligrams of sodium, 732 milligrams of potassium and 49 milligrams of magnesium. If you’re looking for a healthy post-workout meal, consider some steak along with your veggies.

Grass-fed beef contains more healthy fats

Compared to conventional beef, grass-fed beef contains up to six times more omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can alleviate rheumatoid arthritis, boost your focus and improve your mental well-being.

Grass-fed beef has fewer calories

For every 100 grams of conventional grain-fed beef, you consume around 247 calories. With grass-fed beef, you consume around 20 percent less. Grass-fed beef only contains around 198 calories per 100 grams. This is helped by the fact that cows that are grass-fed live on a cleaner and more natural diet.

Conventionally-raised livestock are fed animal feed made out of primarily GMO corn and GMO soy, which causes the animals to become exceptionally unhealthy. If you’re shopping around for beef, consider buying only products that have been certified by the American Grassfed Association, especially if you’re looking to enhance your diet with foods that benefit your overall health.






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