6 Gentle detox methods to give you a foundation for better health
04/03/2020 / By Noah Harper / Comments
6 Gentle detox methods to give you a foundation for better health

Unhealthy substances building up in the body is a sure way to increase your risk of health problems such as headaches, chronic fatigue and many other debilitating diseases, which is why detoxing is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, while radically life-altering detox methods can – if done correctly and with the right discipline – truly transform you into a healthier person, these kinds of cleanses can be difficult to maintain.

A gentle detox as a first step toward better health

Instead, consider doing detoxes that are gentler in their approach. While these, more “gentle” detox methods won’t be totally life-changing, they can provide you with a better foundation for pursuing better health. A juice cleanse can be your gateway to consuming a healthier diet filled with more organic fruits and vegetables, a spring water detox can be your gateway to getting rid of sodas and other added sugars in your diet.

To put you on the right path to better health this new decade, here are six gentle detox methods that you can try.

  1. Spring water cleanse. Spring water is the purest, most original source of water. When you collect spring water from a trusted, qualified source, it can be the most hydrating, mineralizing, and oxygen-filled water you will ever drink. Consuming eight to 10 glasses a day is a great way to flush the system of any unwanted toxins. If you’re looking for a sweeter version, add a lemon and one to two ounces of pure cranberry juice to a liter of spring water and drink this every day.
  2. Grounding detox. This detox, also known as “Earthing,” involves putting your body in direct contact with the Earth’s energy. This involves having skin-to-skin contact with dirt, soil or water. This balances your positive electrical energy with the negative electrical energy of the Earth. This can relieve the body of many health conditions. It decreases inflammation, improve sleep quality, reduce energy problems, address hormonal issues and it can even relieve you of your gastrointestinal problems.
  3. Juice cleanse. “Juicing,” as it’s also known, can help flush many of the body’s systems of toxins and provide it with plenty of nutrients and enzymes to optimize its many different functions. The key to juicing for optimal health is to limit the sugar content and incorporate more vegetables and fruits into the overall diet. Consider juicing with things like green apples, limes, lemons, kale, cucumber, celery, parsley and carrot. This will keep the sugar content low and it will invigorate all of the body’s systems.
  4. Kefir. This is a cultured and fermented beverage similar to yogurt. When consuming the non-dairy alternatives of kefir, such as coconut water or coconut milk, the body will be able to digest it easily. It contains beneficial probiotics and enzymes and it doesn’t have the milk proteins that can exacerbate digestive distress. Kefir can have a remarkable effect on digestion and the liver. Consuming several ounces of this daily is all one needs to see some of its benefits.
  5. Rebounding. Another important part of doing detox is encouraging lymphatic flow. Since it does not have its own pump, the lymphatic system needs to be moved manually. This can be done from movement of the body. Rebounding is a simple movement that not only stimulates the metabolism, but it also burns calories and reduces body fat in the process. For 10-15 minutes a day, one can stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage it to remove toxins from the cells and safely out of the body.
  6. Infrared sauna. Infrared therapy uses infrared-based heaters to emit a radiant heat that is absorbed directly into the body. This makes it much more efficient at removing toxins, with an estimated 80 percent water and 20 percent waste and toxin removal, as opposed to 97 percent water and three percent waste and toxin in a traditional steam sauna. Infrared saunas are non-invasive and can penetrate as much as three inches into the body, which helps eliminate all kinds of toxins lurking underneath your skin.

Remember that these gentle detox methods are only a stepping stone for your journey toward better health. Coupling one detox method with a stronger goal, such as eating healthier, is what you need to make sure that you don’t have to repeat this process every year.



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