Avoid these 10 cancer-causing foods!
03/04/2020 / By Skye Anderson / Comments
Avoid these 10 cancer-causing foods!

The foods that you eat influence the way your body behaves. According to studies, the nutrients and other chemicals you absorb from your diet have a lasting effect not just on your physical and mental health, but also on the health of your cells.

For instance, certain carcinogens — substances that promote the development of cancer by damaging cellular DNA — can be found in many common food items, such as alcohol, refined sugar and red or processed meat. To make matters worse, many of these foods are part of a typical American diet. But cutting your consumption of these foods, especially while it’s early, can help you reduce your risk of developing cancer.


To help you clean up your diet, here are 10 of the worst cancer-causing foods you must avoid. (h/t to TheBreastCancerCharities.org)

GMO foods

GMO stands for genetically modified organisms, which can be a plant, an animal or even a microorganism whose genetic makeup has been modified in the laboratory. GMOs have no place in a cancer-free diet, especially since they, together with the chemicals used to grow them, can accelerate tumor growth. GMOs can be found in food derivatives made from conventional corn, soybeans and canola.

Processed meats

Processed meats like bacon, sausages, hot dogs and lunch meats are notorious for having chemical preservatives pumped in them. These harmful chemicals increase the shelf life of these products and may keep them fresh for a long time. But studies show that preservatives like sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate can increase the risk of several types of cancer, especially colon cancer. To avoid these cancer-causing additives, choose uncured meats that come from organic, grass-fed sources.

Microwave popcorn

Like processed meats, microwave popcorn is loaded with chemicals that can cause cancer, particularly of the liver and pancreas. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical commonly found in microwave popcorn bags, is possibly carcinogenic to humans. Several studies also link PFOA to the growth of tumors. In addition to PFOA, the diacetyl used to give microwave popcorn its butter flavor is said to cause lung damage and cancer.

Soda pop

Soda pops contain high amounts of sugar, food additives and food coloring. These chemicals are known to cause various health problems, not the least of which is cancer. Chemicals like 4-methylimidazole (4-MEI), a byproduct formed in some foods and drinks during the normal cooking process, has also been linked to cancer.

Diet foods and beverages

Food products that are marketed as “diet” products are some of the worst cancer-causing culprits. In a review released by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), scientists found that the artificial sweetener aspartame causes a range of illnesses, including birth defects and cancer. Sucralose (Splenda), saccharin and other artificial sweeteners have also been highlighted as cancer-causing agents.

Refined white flours

An ingredient used in a variety of processed foods, refined white flours contain excessive amounts of carbs, which are bad for your health. Studies also suggest that regular consumption of refined carbohydrates increases women’s risk of breast cancer considerably. Besides causing cancer, foods like refined white flours can also elevate blood sugar levels, which helps accelerate the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Refined sugars

Like refined carbohydrates, refined sugars like white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) can help cancer cells grow faster by increasing blood sugar and insulin levels. HFCS, in particular, can be easily metabolized by cancer cells, thus helping them increase in number at a faster rate. HFCS can be found in sweet processed foods like cookies, cakes, pies, sodas, juices and cereals.

Conventional fruits and “dirty” fruits

Beware of fruits in groceries: They can be laden with cancer-causing pesticides. Conventional produce have been found to be contaminated with chemicals like arsenic, ethylene oxide and lindane, which help keep pests away but promote cancer growth in humans. To avoid ingesting these harmful chemicals, eat only organic fruits or produce which are verified to be pesticide-free.

Farmed salmon

Today, the majority of salmon on the market is farm-raised. According to a report by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), seven out of ten farmed salmon in grocery stores are contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), which are known carcinogens. Farmed salmon also contain toxic chemicals like methylmercury and dioxins, which can cause serious health problems if allowed to accumulate inside the body.

Hydrogenated oils

Another common type of preservative, hydrogenated oils help keep processed foods shelf-stable. However, research has found that these oils can mess with the structure and flexibility of cell membranes, which can lead to debilitating diseases like cancer.

Processed foods may offer convenience, but the health risks simply outweigh it. Besides having very little nutrient content, these foods can considerably increase your risk of cancer because of the harmful chemicals they contain. To maintain good health and prevent serious diseases, avoid processed foods and replace them with organic plant-based foods for a healthier diet.









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