Top 9 reasons nearly all “diets” fail
07/27/2019 / By S.D. Wells / Comments
Top 9 reasons nearly all “diets” fail

Are you genetically modified for obesity? Do you have genes inside you that give you irritable bowels, draining the nutrients from your digestive tract? You do, don’t you? If you eat GMO foods and get GMO medicine (think flu shots and prescription meds here), there may be one huge yet-to-be-discussed reason your diets have failed you. Do you get upset stomachs often, feel lethargic, and a little bit confused? That’s the pesticides working on you. So many Americans want to lose some weight, whether it’s 10, 20, 50 or 200 pounds, and they just have no clue that most American food AND medicine are corrupted in order to make us all obese, diabetic and cancerous.

Can’t lose weight? Maybe that’s because 19 out of 20 diets “out there” are just that – so out there that they don’t work. The diets cater to your whims and crutches, still delivering adulterated food and recommending lab-made pharmaceuticals that screw with your motivation, your energy, your acidity, and your concentration. Even if they do work, eventually the pendulum swings back the other way and over time, you get sicker and heavier than ever before.

Why do so many diets fail so many millions of Americans? Where are those cut and dry answers to tough questions. It’s time to address what Big Food and Big “Farma” don’t want you to know. Here are the top 9 reasons NEARLY ALL “diets” fail you:

#1. You’re still lacking the essential nutrients to feel good and continue in route to your personalized ideal health.

If you were eating “wrong” before, any new diet you choose MUST deliver organic nutrients and clean water, or you’re doomed from the start. American soil has been abused for decades with Big Biotech Agriculture PESTICIDES that kill weeds, bugs and eventually humans, driving obesity, cancer and dementia (including Parkinson’s Disease) rates skyrocketing all the while. No, it’s not “hereditary.” Your medical doctor is off on that.

#2. The word “diet” itself implies that you don’t have to stick to it after you reach your desired weight, so you’ll probably relapse shortly after you “get there.”

Change what you eat so you still like it, but it’s natural and NOT modified, processed, or loaded with preservatives. It has to be a lifestyle change or when your “diet” is over, your old ways will creep back in, genetically altering your physiology, one meal at a time.

#3. The “diet” includes consuming artificial sweeteners that cause IBS, anxiety, depression, cancer, and you guessed it – weight gain.

Monsanto put the “die” in diet, don’t you know? It started with Saccharine, then moved into Aspartame and GMOs. Yep, Aspartame is genetically “engineered” and manufactured in a laboratory from the feces of E. coli, and then you EAT it to try to lose weight (while eating less or no sugar). Great plan. Let us know how that works out.

#4. Reaching and maintaining your ideal weight and health is a lifestyle, not a fad or a short-term accomplishment.

Try this. Eat an organic, plant-based diet for two weeks straight. Drink only spring water and consume no oils and no processed sugar or artificial anything (organic fruit is fine). Check your weight and how you feel after that – because that’s all the difference in the world.

#5. Your cleansing organs are suffering from chronic damage and you need a much more extreme clean food regimen than just a “diet” (including the proper detoxification program).

The number one way most Americans get their diet wrong is their bodies are completely clogged and flooded with everything from neurotoxins and heavy metals to animal fat and toxic herbicides (think glyphosate here). Simply switching which conventional food you are going to consume on your “diet” isn’t going to change much at all over the long haul.

#6. Your diet of choice doesn’t filter pesticides, heavy metal toxins, canola oil, or corrupt Allopathic medicine out of the equation.

If your body is too acidic and suffering chronic inflammation from eating your daily doses of meat, dairy, processed oils, processed sugars, processed salts, and lab-made prescription concoctions, then cutting out a few items from your intake doesn’t do jack squat for your health or weight. Ever read the side effects on all prescription medications? Check for weight gain and depression, my friends. Better known as Side Effect Syndrome, it may be the main reason you can’t seem to lose weight, “no matter what you do.”

#7. You think the diet is guaranteed to work because it eliminates all sugar, but it still includes consuming mass amounts of animal fat (meat and dairy).

What is it that you think causes dementia, heart disease, and unnecessary fat on the human body to accumulate? Animal fat gets into your blood vessels (including in the brain) and causes plaques that clog them, preventing proper blood flow, oxygen and nutrition from reaching vital organs. Cut out the animals and their byproducts and see how that diet goes.

#8. The diet you chose is too drastic of a change from your current food regimen, so you most likely won’t stick to it for the long run.

People want quick and easy solutions. They want miracles or at least something close to a miracle, because they don’t think they can stick with something but for so long, and it’s usually true. Instead, count chemicals instead of calories and see where it gets you.

#9. You simply chose a diet that caters to your bad habits, hoping for miraculous results that will never come. This one speaks for itself.

Tune in to Monsanto.News for updates on how Big Food and Big “Farma” are f##king up the food and medicine supply of the U.S.A.

Sources for this article include:





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