Special note to readers: If you missed Part I of this “Deadly Pesticides” article series, you can click here and read that first. Catch you right back here in a few minutes.
There’s nothing the U.S. government and its chronic sick care industry hates more than a healthy person who knows the truth about clean food versus the dirty conventional kind, because to them, you’re a liability instead of an “asset.”
You see, then, you don’t get sick very often. Your body is not breaking down constantly. You’re not living in a fog. You’re not allergic to a million different things. A head cold, the flu, and the measles are normal little battles your immune system easily defeats. You don’t need vaccines. You don’t need pharma-grade antibiotics. You don’t have heavy metal toxins lodged in your brain. To Big Food and Big Pharma, a person who studies and knows the truth about clean food never needs that dirty medicine. It’s all makes PERFECT SENSE when you stop drinking the fluoride, stop getting the mercury-laced flu shot, and stop eating GMOs that are laced with pesticides.
Guess what folks, it’s time to address those other four places you’ll easily find deadly pesticides, where you never thought to even check. It’s time to pick up where we left off.
Formaldehyde embalms dead people and is frequently used as an insecticide. So why is it allowed in vaccines? That’s a great question with sordid answers. Many of today’s vaccines contain formaldehyde (trace amounts), and even though it’s in “miniscule” amounts (as every doctor and nurse informs you repeatedly if you ask), it is being injected directly into human muscle tissue, so it’s actually worse, compounding health crises (think allergies, skin problems, asthma, autism).
That’s why children’s immune and central nervous systems freak out, some diving into autism spectrum disorder. And that’s exactly why the vaccine industry has paid out over $4 billion in damages from the toxins in vaccines, including mercury and formaldehyde. It’s just never listed in the “books” that way. “Child suffers autism from formaldehyde and mercury in vaccines, wins millions in lawsuit” — could you imagine the uproar from that headline across all media?
Care to see just how many vaccines the CDC allows formaldehyde to contaminate? Just check this convenient PDF Vaccine Excipient Database that lists carcinogens first for ALL vaccines given to pregnant women, newborns, infants, and developing children all across America.
Wait, what? You’re dying to hear this one, literally. Yep, look for “added fluoride” in top brands of bottled water. Yes, they want you dumb while you’re suffering from brittle bones and cancer. You see, what dentists and doctors won’t EVER say about fluoride in water is that it comes from by-products of the phosphate fertilizer industry. Still want your bottled water to contain “added pesticide?”
Avoid these water criminals who, last time we checked, were still adding pesticide to their bottled water brands: Deer Park, Poland Springs, Sierra Springs, Ice Mountain, Diamond Springs, Crystal Springs, Crystal Rock, Arrowhead, Mount Olympus, Ozarka, Belmont Springs and Zephyr Hills.
Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) is a pesticide. It’s also a popular home and office cleaning product, as you know. As a pesticide, bleach disinfects surfaces and keeps white laundry white, but it’s also used to turn food white so that it looks “clean.”
Yes the Big Food industry is warped and demented. Think of white bread, white flour, white sugar and white pasta. Most conventional rice is bleached white too, except for organic basmati.
Bleach consumption causes pancreatic cancer, bladder cancer and prostate cancer as your epithelial tissue burns a little every time trying to filter it all out. How much bleach do you eat every day? You’re like a dying bug and medical doctors never talk about it.
Most Americans have no idea what genetically modified food really contains. They don’t know that scientists use viruses and bacteria to dissolve insect’s insides and destroy their reproductive capabilities. The Biotech scientists mutate Nature’s crop DNA to contain these pesticide genes that also cause similar health detriment to humans, it just takes longer to kick in. Think of population control… IBS and Crohn’s… dementia. You can’t rinse the pesticide off of GMO produce, just like you can’t rinse off dementia.
Tune in to Vaccines.news for more information on how the U.S. government pollutes not only our food but our medicine with highly corrupt pesticides that nobody should be consuming or injecting at all, ever.
Sources for this article include: