The CUMULATIVE effect from a child’s first 6 years of 60 vaccines, daily GMOs and fluoridated water
07/20/2019 / By S.D. Wells / Comments
The CUMULATIVE effect from a child’s first 6 years of 60 vaccines, daily GMOs and fluoridated water

Children today grow up in a much more toxic food and medicine “environment” than us adults did just 30 to 40 years ago. Back in the 1970s and 80s, children weren’t bombarded with dozens of vaccines during their first months of life, and conventional food wasn’t corrupt with bug-killing and weed-killing pesticides that affect cognition, development, memory, behavior, and social and motor skills.

Heavy metal toxins like mercury and aluminum are easily found in today’s vaccines, including the ever-popular and deadly flu shots, that are highly recommended (even when they admit they picked the wrong viral strains) for all U.S. pregnant women and then their fragile babies at six months.

Yes, the multi-jab still contains mercury, and at high levels too. Then there’s tap water that contains sodium fluoride – a byproduct of the phosphate mining industry that doubles as an insecticide. Fluoride in tap water causes lowered IQ, chronic inflammation and eventually, brittle bones and cancer. Combine that with GMOs and 60 vaccines in six years and what have you got? What’s in your baby’s “formula?” Sure hope it’s not FDA or CDC recommended.

So, what’s the cumulative effect of all these toxins? Has any scientist anywhere EVER computed the totals, especially by the time a child turns seven years of age, including toxins that cross the blood-brain barrier and lodge in the brain and vital cleansing organs? That answer is no. Well, at least no medical doctor. We’ll cover Naturopathic Physicians later in this article.

Science has proven genetically modified food causes immune problems, faulty insulin regulation and infertility

Does your new baby have chronic gastrointestinal issues? Your pediatrician will never blame the vaccines or GMOs, even though they are either the cause or the culprit. Since the mid-1980s, Americans have been eating genetically mutated soy and corn in thousands of common food products, beverages, candy, and medicine. In 1992 the FDA declared GM foods were exactly the same (health and safety-wise) as non-GMOs, making sure no scientists ran tests otherwise to prove they were lying. Yet now science proves GMOs cause horrific health problems, including cancer tumors.

It was all done for the big money payouts from lobbyists. How do we know this? A lawsuit dredged up internal memos from political appointees who were ordered by the U.S. government to promote GMOs as safe, effective, and sustainable (everything they are not).

Also, in the 1990s, the CDC changed the childhood vaccine “schedule” to include more than 60 toxic jabs (many of them are part of a 2, 3 or 4-part series) before a child lives six years. This would exacerbate statistics for autism spectrum disorder, allergies, asthma, upper respiratory infections, auto-immune deficiencies, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, and a host of other chronic health problems for which no M.D. would ever reveal the true root causes.

Does your child have allergies? Get allergy shots – the doctors says.

Got digestion problems? Take this prescription of antibiotics – the doctors says.

Got autism? It’s genetic – the doctors says.

Is your child hyper-active with problems focusing in school? Take chemical medications for that chemical imbalance – the doctors says.

Is your child performing poorly on standardized tests in school? Have him/her take these SSRI pills – the doctors says (meds that have side effects of depression and suicide).

June, 2014: Natural News Forensic Food Lab finds 25,000 times the legal maximum MERCURY content allowed in drinking water in FLU SHOTS

Were you reading the fake mass media news back then, or were you reading Natural News in the summer of 2014? Vials of batch flu vaccine produced by British pharma giant GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) contained over 50 parts PER MILLION of mercury – one of the most poisonous substances known to mankind. Yes, lab tests using advanced mass spectrometry technology were run that produce incredible accuracy.

Dr. David Brownstein, board-certified family physician, said he has been testing nearly every patient at his office for the past two decades and has found at least 4 out of every 5 have mercury toxicity. Heavy metal toxins are being injected into pregnant women, infants, and developing children, and these neurotoxins are being implanted directly into muscle tissue completely unabated. You know, there are doctors that test for heavy metal poisoning and other accumulating toxins. They’re called Naturopathic Physicians. Read more about this very important testing you could have run for your children’s health sake, and your own.

Tune in to Vaccines.News to find out how the CDC, FDA, and AMA are purposely ignoring the cumulative effect of known toxins that invade the U.S. food and medicine supply. What the system fears most is true science and honest journalism.

Sources for this article include:




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