Remember when “Organic Spies” videotaped Whole Foods employees lying about whether their store sold GMOs? Then YouTube censored the shocking “GMO Lies” video, because Whole Foods executives, and like those of YouTube, give money to GMO supporters and are huge financial backers of Monsanto. Why? Whole Foods sells plenty of Monsanto-produced GM foods to tens of millions of unsuspecting customers all day long.
In fact, Whole Foods outright trained their employees to blatantly lie about GMOs, including the canola oil used in so many of their products, that you can easily find at the prepared food bar (think of their potato salad, egg salad, chicken salad, macaroni salad and pasta salad) and in most of their bagged chips.
From genetically modified corn to Frankenfood canola oil, Whole Foods staffers had the gumption to actually claim that they sold no GMOs at all! Wow. What’s worse is that millions of people think “certified organic” canola oil (or “expeller-pressed” or “cold pressed”) label makes it okay to consume something that coagulates in your blood and causes weight gain, memory loss and dementia. It’s pure marketing fraud and Whole Foods executives are well aware.
This may be why Whole Foods is closing several stores, starting in Texas. People are figuring out they push GMOs and cancer-causing chemical-foods while claiming everything in the store is a healthy choice. The organic markets are becoming saturated with huge corporations and big-box sellers that slap the organic label on products loaded with canola oil – the WORST oil you can consume. It’s the polar opposite of “heart healthy.”
Will Whole Foods go bankrupt in the next decade? There’s a reason they still sell GMOs and don’t talk about it. There’s a reason they never labeled the GMO-canola at their prepared food bar. They push GMO and toxic canola oil. period. It’s all about the money.
You’ll find blood-clogging canola oil in most pesto, humus, potato chips, veggie chips, tortilla chips, pretzels, cereals, and of course, salad dressings. Canola oil is super cheap and causes massive health detriment over time, so big retailers love it. These same retailers invest in consumer health demise by pushing toxic foods and lying about them when confronted.
Here’s an excerpt directly from TruthWiki, where the truth about canola oil comes out:
Canola is an engineered plant developed in Canada. The oil is derived from the rapeseed plant (an excellent insect repellent, by the way.) The rapeseed is a member of the mustard family. Rapeseed oil has been used extensively in many parts of the world, namely India, Japan, and China. Before the rapeseed was genetically engineered, about two-thirds of the monounsaturated fatty acids were erucic acid. Erucic acid was associated with Keshan’s disease, a condition which is characterized by fibrous lesions of the heart.
In the late 1970s, Canadian plant breeders were able to create a variety of rapeseed which produced a monounsaturated oil which was much lower in erucic acid. This “new” oil was originally called LEAR oil (Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed.) Neither “rape” nor “lear” created an appealing image: hence, Canola …(“Canada” and “oil.”)
It’s not so much where you shop, but what you buy. Plenty of stores, including Whole Foods and Trader Joes, carry actual healthy products, but you have to know how to siphon out all the chemical killers. These major retailers can be quite sneaky. Even Trader Joes, with their independent confirmations about their own brand, push canola oil in most of the products that rival Whole Foods “365” brand. Watch out. Read the labels and know your food enemies.
Tune in to and find out about other chemicals besides just canola that saturate the conventional food market.
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