As part of the company’s social engineering “fairness” agenda, Google is reportedly now populating its search engine “autocomplete” function with suggestions that aim to deter users from taking dietary supplements, eating organic food, and opting for naturopathic medicine rather than Big Pharma’s “sick care” system.
Following the removal of and many other natural health websites from its search results, Google is now upping the ante by trying to dictate what users search for by completing their queries with all sorts of anti-natural health propaganda.
GreenMedInfo, which was recently banned by Mailchimp for sending out newsletters containing vaccine science, recently conducted an experiment, type the words “organic is a” into Google’s search bar. Here are the autocomplete recommendations that came up:
• organic is a lie
• organic is always non gmo
• organic is a sham
• organic is a myth
• organic is a waste of money
• organic is a marketing gimmick
• organic is always non gmo logo
As you can see, five out of the seven autocomplete suggestions are overtly negative, suggesting that there’s no such thing as organic and that it’s all just a scam. The purpose, of course, is to stop Google users from actually searching for real information about organics, and instead to simply take the cue that they’re fraudulent, and possibly even harmful.
The same types of autocomplete suggestions appear when searching for “supplements are,” as Google wants users to believe that:
• supplements are bad
• supplements are useless
• supplements are not regulated
• supplements are bad for you
• supplements are not fda approved
• supplements are not regulated by the fda
• supplements are dangerous
• supplements are good for you
• supplements are scams
• supplements are garbage
Once again, an overwhelming majority, nine out of ten, of the autocomplete results are negative, aiming to sway Google users away from having positive opinions about supplements, let alone actually using them.
Be sure to check out to keep up with the latest news about Google’s censorship and social engineering schemes.
You’re probably asking yourself: Well, is Google just populating its autocomplete phrases with the most popular search phrases, most of which happen to be anti-organic and anti-supplement? Not exactly. As it turns out, according to Google’s own “Trends” system, most Google users are actually searching for information about organics and supplements because they actually want to eat organic and take supplements.
With this in mind, consider the fact that Google vehemently denies that its autocomplete function is used for making suggestions, insisting that it’s instead about “predictions.”
“Autocomplete is designed to help people complete a search they were intending to do, not to suggest new types of searches to be performed,” is the official statement given by Google about its autocomplete function. “These are our best predictions of the query you were likely to continue entering.”
“How do we determine these predictions? We look at the real searches that happen on Google and show common and trending ones relevant to the characters that are entered and also related to your location and previous searches,” the company further claims.
But it’s obvious that this is a bald-faced lie, as nobody is performing Google searches for “organic is a myth,” or “supplements are bad.” This is just what Google wants you to think people are searching for.
“This is the very definition of the Orwellian inversion: where Good becomes Bad, and War becomes Peace,” writes Sayer Ji for, pointing out that five times more people search for “supplements are good” compared to those searching for “supplements are bad.”
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