Calcium is important to the body. However, the best source of this mineral isn’t milk, but the food that dairy animals get this nutrient from – plants.
Considered as the most abundant mineral in the body, calcium is essential for many bodily functions. It acts as a carrier of messages between the brain and other body parts. It is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulse and the contraction of muscles.
Calcium delivers enzymes and hormones through the blood to the parts of the body that need them. It also ensures that blood pressure remains normal.
Most importantly, calcium enables the heart to get signals that tell it to contract. Without calcium, the heart will not pump blood which the body needs to survive. (Related: Myths about cholesterol and calcium — what you know about heart disease is wrong.)
There are several myths about calcium. The most common ones include dairy products being the best sources of the mineral, calcium being the most important nutrient for supporting bone health, and calcium supplements being safe and helpful.
While dairy products contain a lot of calcium, plant-based foods are better and safer sources. Milk contains other substances like lactose, hormones, contaminants, and antibiotics, all of which could increase a person’s risk for certain cancers.
Regarding the second myth, vitamin D is just as important as calcium when it comes to strengthening the bones. Vitamin D is obtained by exposing the skin to sunlight. Maintaining high levels of physical activity, which is important for older people, is another way of improving bone health.
As for the third myth, calcium supplements can cause more harm than good. A 2008 study by researchers from the University of Auckland in New Zealand found that calcium supplementation could increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. High doses of calcium supplements can also promote the formation of kidney stones.
As mentioned earlier, plants are the best sources of calcium. Get this mineral straight from these plant-based foods instead of milk.
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