Meet the 200,000,000 Americans who function like zombies every day of their shortened lives, while consuming the seven worst chemicals they don’t even know about, at every meal, for every snack, and in every beverage they buy. Do you believe the FDA and the CDC when they say there’s not enough of (insert any food chemical here) in the food or medicine to cause cancer? Let’s talk about the cumulative effect now and all those “trace amounts” they claim have no ill effect. Let’s talk about the cumulative effect of everything you eat, drink, and put on your body. This is worth very careful consideration. We’ll start with the most stealthy of all the food chemicals in the world today.
Sodium Benzoate, chemical formula NaC7H5O2, is a very popular and toxic food preservative. This sodium salt of benzoic acid is produced basically by mixing sodium hydroxide with benzoic acid. Sodium benzoate eats away the protein coating of human brain cells (mitochondria), then depletes them of oxygen, leading to apoptosis (self-induced death). Got brain fog, memory loss, and cancer? That’s the sodium benzoate hard at work saving corporations money so goods don’t spoil so fast in those jars. Remember this: Sodium benzoate chokes out your body’s nutrients at the cellular level.
You like salty food? What about super-salty food, like Chinese food, canned soups, hot dogs, bacon, deli meats and sausages? You may be consuming the kind of salt daily that kills wild pigs in less than a few hours. You’re eating genocidal pesticide that Big Food swears is safe. Since when did the corporations and the FDA give a sh#t about any American’s health? They were a ruthless chemical-medicine business from day one.
Yes, it’s in the food because it’s in the water – what do you think the farmers all spray on their conventional crops? No, it doesn’t help strengthen teeth or prevent cavities. You fell for that? Do you also still believe cigarettes are good for digestion, because some medical doctors said so? Got brittle bones, prostate cancer or bladder cancer? It’s hard on your body filtering those insecticides and industrial by-products from the phosphate mining industry in China. Tell your JAMA-reading dentist about the great Fluoride Deception movie and be sure to forward the video link to your dental hygienist today.
Most people don’t even know what GMO really means. They think science is always cutting edge, delivering inventions that save us all from disease, starvation, and cancer. Oh, but it’s just the opposite when it comes to Merck, Monsanto, and the CDC. They’re like the villains in Batman, sitting around tables trying to figure out new ways their scientists can infect, infuse, and inject destructive genes and chemicals into the medicine and food supply. Realize that most vaccines today are also GMO, experimental, unpredictable, and quite FAR from safe or effective.
Yes, even organic, expeller-pressed, whatever. It all coagulates in your body like glue. Worse than gluten. Gluten clogs up your digestive tract, but canola clogs in your blood, leading to weight gain, memory loss, dementia AND cancer. Lovely. Thanks to all that Canadian Rapeseed Science – guess that science really is “settled.” Avoid canola oil like the plague, because most of it is GMO anyway, and the organic stuff is currently the Big Food push into the organic world to try to screw us all over.
Yes, the kind that if you drank a shot glass full right now you’d probably die, unless maybe that 911 call gets EMS to you in time. But wait, you’re still eating bleach in tiny little doses with every bite of that white bread, white pasta, white flour and white sugar. Oops. Bleach is also used in conventional meats, including fish, and then flavor is added back in later with nitrites, MSG, and other carcinogenic additives and preservatives.
Did you know that stress is a MAJOR cause of cancer? Aspartame causes anxiety in most consumers, but the M.D.s blame genetics, stress at school, stress at home, stress at work. We yes, that’s because that’s everywhere the aspartame is taking effect on the central nervous system. Aspartame is concocted in a laboratory by a pharmaceutical company that also runs the deadliest chemical pesticide factories in the world.
While you “cut sugar” you drive stress, which drives cancer. Cancer is the uncontrolled mutation and multiplication of your own cells that will attack your vital organs when they gain control of the damaged tissues in your body from eating sodium benzoate, nitrites, sodium fluoride, GMOs, canola oil, bleach and aspartame all day long.
Tune in to for updates on the harmful effects of ingredients that are right there on the label of your favorite products. Shop wisely, my friends. Shop wisely.
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