Humans are needed by the global food web: A look at how and why ecosystems need us
06/16/2019 / By Ethan Huff / Comments
Humans are needed by the global food web: A look at how and why ecosystems need us

Are human beings really planetary parasites like Leftists often claim? Not according to new research presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.

After compiling and comparing a consortium of data from both pre-industrial and modern societies, experts learned that humans have long maintained a mutually beneficial relationship with plants and animals.

Not only do humans need plants, animals, and natural resources in order to survive, but plants, animals, and other ecosystems also need humans, it turns out – it’s just that nobody has ever really taken an honest look at the intricacies of this complex interconnectedness.

“Almost all food webs that have been compiled and studied have been put together without including humans,” stated Jennifer Dunne, an ecologist and complex systems scientist from Santa Fe Institute, during the recent back-to-back symposia.

Dunne is reportedly heading up research in this area with the help of Stefani Crabtree, an archaeologist, also from the Santa Fe Institute.

“It takes a lot of time and effort to put these kinds of detailed data together,” she added about the project.

“So even though ecologists have been studying food webs for decades, we’re only now in a position where we can start to rigorously compare human roles and impacts across different systems to understand sustainability in new kinds of ways.”

Because of the uniquely human ability to adapt, the things we eat are able to survive going extinct

Even though humans are generally considered to be “super-generalists,” meaning that unlike many other species they feed on a variety of different things, this method of survival actually fits quite well within various natural ecosystems.

Contrary to popular belief, humans have comfortably coexisted within various ecosystems all throughout history. Even as super-generalist predators, it turns out, humans have not caused the types of extinction events or environmental degradation that today’s Democrats claim they are.

To come to this conclusion, Dunne and her colleagues looked at three different pre-industrial systems: the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, the Pueblo area of the United States Southwest, and the Western Desert of Australia. They also studied modern human living in the Tagus Estuary of Portugal.

Based on this diversity of cultures, ecologies, climates, and time periods, Dunne came to the realization that, because humans constantly adapt depending on their environments, these environments have a unique way of adapting back in order to persist and thrive.

“Prey-switching is very stabilizing for food webs because it allows prey taxa populations to recover from exploitation, as the predator’s focus shifts to other prey that are easier to forage or hunt given current conditions” says Dunne, referring to her specific findings about human survival on Sanak Island in Alaska.

She observed similar phenomena in the other studied areas, as humans always tend to switch from one feeding species to another depending on availability and access.

This isn’t to say that advanced hunting technologies don’t still have the capacity to cause major harm to ecosystems – because we all know that they certainly can. But generally speaking, humans aren’t causing near the amount of harm to the planet that far-Left fear mongers often claim.

“Understanding ecosystems with humans as part of them is essential,” Crabtree added during the symposia, emphasizing that humans don’t exist in antithesis of nature, but rather that we all play an important part in sustaining it.

“We’re not going anywhere. We are here to stay,” she further stated. “We are going to keep impacting ecosystems, and we need to understand the ways that our impacts can lead to more sustainable and resilient systems.

For more stories that debunk the Leftist myth that human existence is destroying the planet, be sure to check out

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