There are many different types of parasites that can reside in your body, especially along the digestive tract. But did you know that what you eat can help prevent parasitic infections from happening? More than that, the right foods can kill parasites and help your body replenish its stores of essential nutrients. There is a growing body of research dedicated to finding natural remedies for intestinal parasites, and so far, the results are amazing.
Most of modern medicine has eschewed the science of healing for the “art” of making more money, but interest in natural medicine is growing. The pharmaceutical industry is slowly being exposed for the disease-spreading racket it really is, and people are beginning to reject Big Pharma’s dogma.
Writing for Paleo Hacks, Megan Patiry reports that there are 10 foods which can fight off parasites and help restore good nutritional status — the benefits of which are all backed by science.
Onions have been used to combat parasites in traditional medicine for centuries. Research published in 2018 shows that the sulfur metabolites in onions prevent parasitic organisms from producing key compounds they need for survival.
Garlic shares onion’s ability to kill parasites through inhibiting the production of substances the organisms need to survive. In a study of nematode infestation, scientists found that garlic was over 91 percent effective at killing the parasites in naturally occurring infections.
The findings were so strong that the team stated, “Garlic may be useful as an alternative treatment against nematode parasites in animals and [humans].”
Coconut is known for having an array of health benefits, but did you know it can also kill microorganisms? Research from 2005 shows that the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut are able to kill the intestinal parasite Giardia, which causes horrible diarrhea. In their conclusion, the researchers posit that coconut displayed promise for a novel therapy in which food supplementation could replace the drugs typically used to treat giardiasis.
As Patiry reports, sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. Multiple studies have shown that vitamin E deficiency could be a risk factor for parasitic infection. Studies also show that getting more vitamin E can help improve immune system resistance to nematode infection.
Carrots may also be a good nutritional tool for fighting parasites. Studies show low levels of vitamin A and beta carotene are linked to parasite infections in animals, so Patiry suggests getting more of those nutrients in your diet.
As Very Well Health reports, Papaya seeds can actually help get rid of intestinal parasites. In a study of Nigerian children, scientist found that a mixture of papaya seeds and honey was an effective alternative treatment. The team found that the mixture resulted in 71 to 100-percent parasite clearance rates in the children, curing 76 percent of the kids.
“Thus, air-dried C. papaya seeds are efficacious in treating human intestinal parasites and without significant side effects. Their consumption offers a cheap, natural, harmless, readily available monotherapy and preventive strategy against intestinal parasitosis, especially in tropical communities,” the study authors write.
Honey is a well-known for its antimicrobial properties. Raw honey also contains nutrients and antioxidants which support immunity.
Pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious but they also contain a compound which can help clear parasites from your intestines. As Patiry reports, research shows that pumpkin seed extract actually paralyzes parasites and prevents them from “clinging” to the walls of your intestines — allowing your body to simply pass them through the digestive tract. Scientists say pumpkin seed extract is an “inexpensive alternative” to conventional drugs.
Studies show that the probiotic bacteria found in fermented foods can help block the proliferation of harmful bacteria and parasites. The probiotic bacteria are actually able to prevent bad microbes from getting the nutrients they need to survive, while also promoting your body’s own natural immunity.
Berries may also be able to help stop the growth and spread of parasites, thanks to compounds called polyphenols. Scientists say that berry extracts are as effective against the parasite Giardia as current treatments.
There are many more healing foods that are supported by science. Learn more at
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