Let’s say some American company was proud that they don’t have any sex offenders working under their roof, wouldn’t it be fair for them to announce it in their company news bulletin or website, in order to attract more reliable employees and give safeguard to their current ones? Or, let’s say some school district was proud that none of their school grounds are sprayed with toxic weed killer, wouldn’t it be fair for them to advertise that on the district website, so parents might take advantage of that safety precaution, and send their kids to those schools? Well, one of the top hucksters for GMO-everything, one Henry Miller, thinks it’s unfair for products to be labeled “Non-GMO” when certain ingredients have not been genetically mutated yet, like oranges and tomatoes, because he says, that’s GMO discrimination. Excuse me?
If GMO was truly harmless, would there even be a discussion about it? If GMOs are so great, why not be proud to put a sticker on all the foods, medicines, and personal care products that contain them? Let’s face it, things have changed massively. Organic is today what conventional was in the 1970s. You didn’t have to say some food was “organic” because that’s what conventional produce usually was. Then Ronald Reagan opened the doors for the silent 1980’s GMO invasion, and that’s “all she wrote.”
Nowadays, these genetically-modified-anything pushers, like Killer Miller, want us all to believe that all chemical pesticides, including herbicides and insecticides, are really healthy for us, and we should in fact be drinking Roundup straight from the bottle for nutrition. Fact is, you’d be dead. That’s why Monsanto is losing court case after court case lately, as the facts pour into U.S. courts, where judges side with the dead and dying.
One of Henry Miller’s best friends, Jon “the slime” Entine, wrote an entire book praising Atrazine, a deadly herbicide that castrates male frogs, and he wrote it just for the money. Still, somehow, Henry “Bug Killer” Miller (the Monsanto Press-titute) is upset with the FDA for not cracking down on that “Non-GMO” label and stopping them from labeling products “non-GMO” that don’t have any GMOs, and can’t have any GMOs, and shouldn’t have any GMOs, because, God forbid, some Americans may not be so into eating chemical “genes” that annihilate the digestive tract of any insect or animal that consumes them.
What’s false and misleading, Henry, is not the argument over whether the poison should be on a label or not, but whether or not the poison should actually be illegal to spray on crops, and criminal to genetically engineer into corn, soy, canola. Let’s talk about that instead of missing the whole point while focusing your blog rants on idiosyncrasies that don’t quite favor your BIGGEST lies. Guess that’s why you went after Dr. Oz so hard when he did a whole show about cancer-causing Roundup and it’s key ingredient glyphosate. Still, Miller is just a fly in the ointment. Another con artist. A sellout.
Nothing hurts the biotechnology industry more than actual science. Time and time again, in peer-reviewed research, genetically modified corn and soy are proving to cause horrific cancer tumors, liver failure and kidney malfunction in animals tested. We’re talking about chronic toxicity studies folks, not Monsanto’s own tests they cut off after three months, right when everything alive that’s tested starts dying.
Even if organic food production involves minuscule amounts of synthetic pesticides, any human being with a half-decent immune system and functioning cleansing organs could process that, no problem. It’s when you don’t eat anything organic these days that you pay the biggest price, and sooner than ever before. You see, it’s all compounded, with the fluoride in water, the mercury in flu shots, and the glyphosate on the grains. Why do you think so many Americans are going senile as of late? It’s not contagious, you know.
The Non-GMO Project label may not mean something’s organic, but it sure does carry some weight, especially knowing those evil little men in white lab coats aren’t splicing in the genes of some toxic animal, or plant, or even some E. coli like biotech/pharma does with Aspartame.
So, when all is said and done, pay no attention to the man behind the man behind the shill, because he’s lying now, he lied yesterday, and he lied last year. It’s always the same with these charlatans of “medicine” and hacks of “GMO.”
Reading anything Henry “Bug Killer” Miller or Jon Entine (the ex-TV-producer-schmuck who gouged his wife’s eye and choked her in front of his teenage daughter) writes is dangerous to your health enough, much less following their advice. Tune in to Pesticides.news and find out just how fast your body’s pesticide levels DROP when you switch to an organic food regimen.
Want the down and dirty TRUTH about glyphosate and all the other human-killing ingredients in Roundup? Watch this:
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