Socialism (communism) would mean THE END of all natural medicine and organic food
05/15/2019 / By S.D. Wells / Comments
Socialism (communism) would mean THE END of all natural medicine and organic food

It’s quite obvious from the multi-thong scourge of natural medicine and organic food across all of social media, Google, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, newspapers, magazines, and television networks, that if the Left ever does seize the White House again, you can wave goodbye to the America you know right now.

From the highly destructive and eventually catastrophic “Green New Deal” that would incapacitate all U.S. farming equipment inside of 10 years, to the FAKE global warming Ponzi scheme that would bankrupt the middle class, the insidious Left is waging war against everything holy, including religion, clean water, clean food, citizenship, health rights, gun rights, free speech, free press, and the list goes on.

The end goal? To turn all conservatives and religious Americans into sick, dumb, broke “zombies” that are controlled by a police state nanny government. But just the opposite is happening, it’s just not ever mentioned by the mass media. Take a look.

As global organic food sales reach $100 billion a year, organic farming spreads all around this great Earth

Oh no, the world is not burning up, or drowning, or freezing to death any time soon, though the Democrats would have you believe otherwise, while worshipping at their climate change fanatics’ thrones in Washington. No, 97 percent of the world’s scientists never agreed that global warming is real, that was a big lie too.

Listen to Marc Morano, author of Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change (certified Amazon best seller, btw) rip the conspiracy theory of global warming to shreds in this short video:

You see, the biotechnology industry wants us to believe they’re creating crops that withstand high heat and freezing temperatures, are less susceptible to drought, and kill all insects and weeds, thus saving humanity from sure human-made “climate change” destruction in the next decade. That’s the myth. That’s the fake “world consensus.”

And if GMOs are supposedly sustainable, as the biotech shills proclaim, why are superbugs and superweeds devastating Bayer and Monsanto’s yield and ruining entire hectares, including their neighboring organic farms?

If genetically modified soy, corn, canola, and cotton are so great, why are the global sales of organic food skyrocketing worldwide, adding about $10 billion in profit every new year that goes by? Organic food is growing on more than 60 million hectares of land right now. Think about THAT for a minute.

Eating produce that contains no synthetic inputs, no pesticides, and no chemical fertilizers – your best bet at staying healthy past 100 years of age

In the past few years, North America has proven to be organic food’s biggest customer base, responsible for the largest share of retail sales in the U.S. at nearly $100 billion. Your best chance at longevity lives in organic produce, clean spring water, and natural supplements. Nearly half of all Americans right now try to actively include some or most of their food and beverage intake as organic.

Global value of alternative and complementary medicine market now at $60 billion and growing fast

That was for 2018 by the way. It’s expected to expand, thanks to awareness about traditional therapy methods. In fact, experts at Grand View Research, Inc. predict the alternative and complementary medicine market will be worth about $200 billion five years from now.

How? Well, over 60 percent of the global population has figured out that traditional medicine works, and allopathic medicine fails. Period. That’s why. The rest are just sheeple who are scared to death by their M.D.s and oncologists into cut and burn tactics combined with lab-concocted, experimental drugs that fail 97 percent of the time, all while creating new health problems, and chronic ones at that.

From herbs to supplements, and from superfoods to body healing techniques, you can heal your body and mind and stay that way, if you can bring yourself to ignore all mass media, the FDA, the CDC, and the biotech goons.

Meanwhile, the cost of fake medicine (conventional) increases while yielding abominable results. With the legalization of cannabis as medicine in most U.S. states, we’ll see Big Pharma slide down their misery hole even farther soon.

Got botanicals? Got medicinal mushrooms? Got yoga? Got acupuncture? Got an organic herb garden? No? You’re missing out then. Say hello to herb “pharms” and amazing superfoods, and goodbye to chemical-prescription nightmares. Get wise, healthy and wealthy, before the Democrat ZOMBIES make you dumb, sick, and broke. Tune in to for updates on ways to keep your cleansing organs clean and firing on all cylinders, 24/7/365.

Sources for this article include:


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