You could wake up every day and be stepping into a total health nightmare while thinking you’re “playing your cards” just fine. We’ve all learned over the past few years that the mainstream media is one huge breadbasket of lies fueled by corporate-driven greed that delivers poison for our minds and our bodies at every turn of the channel, newspaper page or web page. Not only are most Americans “eating” cancer daily, they’re consuming the top 11 causes of cancer – all while they either count calories, “carbs” or how many pounds they weigh – none of which will matter when the oncologist sends them home with no cure in sight.
Then people go “march for the cure” at some Susan Komen Foundation gathering while eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and drinking Mike’s Hard Lemonade, both Komen sponsor foods and beverages that contain carcinogens (deep fried processed oils and alcohol, respectively) that aid cancer cell development.
You want the cure? Stop eating, drinking and injecting the disease you’re fighting off! Face it now. You’ve been lied to by Big Food, Big Pharma and probably even a few M.D.s and an oncologist. Let’s take a close look at what’s really polluting our cleansing organs, warping our cells, and destroying our good gut bacteria, leading us down a dark and dangerous corridor of cell mutation where our very own cells attack our body, and where mainstream medicine ADDS to the chaos! It’s time to capitalize with truth. Here they come like a tsunami… the top 11 causes of cancer you may have NEVER guessed.
Are you stressed? Are you stressing yourself out unnecessarily? Did you know stress can drain your adrenal glands that sit atop your kidneys? This can affect the balance of salt to water within the body and affect your blood pressure. Draining your adrenals can also increase blood glucose levels and cause inflammatory reactions. Ever heard of Cushing’s syndrome? It’s a disorder where the adrenals overproduce cortisol, causing an aggressive cancer that drives an excessive production of hormones. Adrenal fatigue is often caused by poor sleep, heavy metal toxicity, chronic respiratory infections, and yes, relentless stress.
Processed meats are kept from spoiling using nitrates and nitrates, that are basically heavily concentrated salts that cause cancer. Nitrites have been classified as a Class 1-A carcinogen along with cigarettes. Hey bacon lovers, wake up and smell the cancer. Cut out the hot dogs, deli meats, sausage and bacon and you massively reduce your chances of contracting the “C” word in this lifetime.
No, the fluoride the USA drips into your drinking water does NOT help you build strong teeth and fight cavities. Big lie. If you drink from the tap, including making coffee, tea, or mixing it with powdered beverage mixes, you’re fueling cancer cells by drinking a toxic insecticide that’s a byproduct of the industrial division of China. Exported as sodium fluoride in order to get the toxic bug killer out of their country, the insidious industrialists of America drip fluoride into U.S. tap water to make the population dumb, sick and in need of chronic sick care pharmaceuticals, including toxic chemotherapy that causes MORE cancer. Yes, you’ve been duped by the system.
They call it “sweet misery” because this artificial sweetener is made from the excrement of E-coli and causes weight gain, cancer, and symptoms that fool doctors and make them believe you have multiple sclerosis (MS). Aspartame is made by pharmaceutical companies that want nothing more than your slow death, the money in your savings account, and more people believing that “sugar free” means freedom.
Ever had a migraine headache so bad that any loud sounds or bright lights make you think your skull might just crack like an egg shell and your brains leak out? That’s an MSG migraine, also known as monosodium glutamate. This concentrated salt is genetically modified and is often found in Chinese food, canned soups, spicy chips, cured meats, fast food chicken coating, and in thousands of U.S. products. MSG also has “cousins” that, when combined, cause the same nightmarish headaches and severe dehydration. Watch out for hydrolyzed soy protein, soy isolates, autolyzed yeast extract. MSG is a chemically concocted formula that causes weight gain, brain damage, liver inflammation and liver cancer.
Most oils in America are processed with industrial chemicals to get rid of the stink and to keep them from spoiling on the corporate shelves at the supermarkets. If food doesn’t spoil, don’t eat it! From soy oil to corn oil, and on down to the toxic bottom of the barrel where you find canola oil (even the organic “expeller pressed” junk stuff), most oils still contain hexane, a vapor constituent of gasoline. You’re literally eating cancer.
Yes, we just published that. Vaccines contain known cancerous neurotoxins. Want the short list? Here’s just some of the freakiest ingredients listed on the vaccine insert page that nobody ever reads, including the nurses and doctors who are supposed to make sure you do when they inject you and your child: Infected African green monkey kidney cells, aborted fetal cells, aluminum, mercury (listed as thimerosal in nearly all flu shots), gelatin, eggs, casein (causes severe dairy allergies), peanut oil (causes severe peanut allergies), polysorbate 80, human diploid cells, squaline, formaldehyde and circovirus (a rare deadly virus that’s killing pigs by the thousands in China).
Yes, the very prescriptions your M.D. recommends for you to buy at the dreaded American pharmacy are mostly carcinogenic, adding to health chaos.
Nearly all white foods are bleached, and bleach causes pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer. Think of white bread, rice, pasta, sugar, flour, and even coffee filters.
GMO means crops are genetically engineered to contain pesticides and are sprayed with unlimited amounts of those same chemicals to kill bugs and weeds.
That’s right. Studies show diabetes carries an increased risk for many forms of cancer. Why? High levels of circulating insulin promote tumor growth. The following cancer risks are doubled by the presence of type 2 diabetes: Pancreatic, liver, breast, bladder, colorectal cancer, blood cancer like non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and even cancer of the womb.
Want some natural cures for cancer and other PREVENTABLE diseases? Check out the top 7 natural cures for cancer the FDA, CDC and AMA don’t want you to know about. Don’t believe the myths perpetuated by the country that invented all the top preventable diseases. Remember, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease barely existed in America a century ago.
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