As part of jumping on the CBD craze, many companies that know nothing about nutrition or supplements are starting to peddle toxic “CBD gummies” made with GMO corn syrup and toxic artificial colors such as Red #40, Yellow #5 and Blue #1.
These toxic ingredients are being blended into gummy shapes to create “CBD gummies” that are being sold as colorful supplements by incredibly stupid retailers who obviously have no interest in natural health. Even offering CBD gummies with artificial colors is an admission of nutritional illiteracy and an insult to consumers.
Notably, none of these CBD gummies we’ve seen so far have any lab testing to confirm their CBD content. We also know that fraud is rampant across the CBD product category, and we’ve tested third party products in our analytical laboratory that only contained one-fifth the claimed amount of CBD stated on the label.
The use of toxic GMOs and synthetic ingredients to manufacture CBD gummies demonstrates yet again the incredible ignorance of many online retailers who are trying to profit from the CBD craze while knowing nothing about supplement formulation or quality. Some organizations will sell anything that can be touted as containing CBDs, even if those products are made from extremely low-quality, China-derived, toxic chemical additives.
Our lab-verified, recommended source for hemp extract liquids is Native Hemp Solutions which offers a whole-plant extract, not merely isolated CBD. Most CBD products on the market today are made solely from CBD isolate and lack the full spectrum of cannabidiols such as CBD-A, CBG, CBC, etc. Full plant extracts always appear dark in color, while CBD isolate is often colorless.
There are many good sources of CBD products available today. There are also fraudulent sources that lie about CBD content. Do your research before investing in hemp-related products, and never buy anything made with artificial colors or corn syrup.