When you’re feeling sad, seeing a pop of color can help brighten your day. According to a U.K. study, eating yellow foods can also help improve your mood.
The study, which was conducted by The Happy Egg Company, one of the largest free-range egg brands in the U.K.., gathered responses from about 1,000 survey participants. The researchers reported that the consumption of yellow foods releases significant levels of happy hormones since people often associate bright colors – like yellow – with joy.
The findings showed that 70 percent of the participants associated yellow foods with the feeling of happiness. The top-ranking yellow food was a plate of omelettes, with 61 percent of the respondents reporting that it “made them the most cheerful.”
Macaroni and cheese (56 percent) came in second, followed by pancakes (54 percent) and poached eggs (53 percent). Lemon cake (52 percent) also made it to the list.
More than two-thirds of the participants want to see more yellow in their fridges, and 30 percent of the respondents associate yellow with happiness compared to other colors. (Related: How to increase your serotonin levels with strategic eating.)
Psychologists posit that this is because people react positively to the color yellow from a young age, especially since it evokes “the warmth of sunshine and brightly [colored] children’s toys.”
Experts also suggest that yellow resonates with the left side of the brain, which is associated with logic. The left side of the brain makes people think of yellow as a “fun and happy” color.
Red foods came in second in the list, while brown foods ranked third. However, blueberries were the least popular food item because people associate blue with sadness.
In the study, researchers also measured the response time of individuals who were answering questions about food colors and happiness. The findings revealed that when choosing yellow, the overall response time was at least 31 percent faster than any other color.
Dr. David Lewis, a neuropsychologist, explained that while earlier findings have determined that color can affect emotions, the results of this study were surprising. The researchers didn’t expect that many yellow food groups “evoked such strong positive feelings as well as stimulating taste buds.”
Yellow vegetables can do more than evoke happiness. Yellow veggies are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and other health-boosting components.
Eat more of the yellow vegetables below to stay strong and healthy.
Find more brightly colored foods that can boost your overall health at Food.news.
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