If you are one of the 2.9 million men in the U.S. with prostate cancer, you might feel powerless about your situation. As the second leading cause of cancer deaths in America, it’s quite understandable to be worried. However, too much stress can hurt your chances of survival, so why not focus your energy on activities that can help you win the battle against this disease? For example, there is one simple thing you can start doing every day that could make a surprisingly big difference: Drink pomegranate juice.
Prostate cancer is assessed using the PSA rate. This is a measurement of how long it takes a person’s level of prostate specific androgen (PSA) to double. In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Cancer Research, scientists found a safe and effective way to slow PSA growth – and by extension, the development of the disease – in the form of pomegranate juice.
The researchers found that men who drank just 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day were able to dramatically slow the growth of their prostate cancer cells. Their mean PSA rates took a remarkable 54 months to double after this treatment; this is a significant rise from the 15 months noted at baseline. They also enjoyed a 12 percent drop in cell proliferation and a 17 percent rise in the death of cancer cells, or apoptosis. These promising findings prompted the researchers to call for further studies into the benefits of pomegranates for prostate cancer.
It’s believed that three polyphenols found in pomegranate are responsible for its cancer-fighting effects: ellagic acid, punicic acid, and luteolin. Scientists say that these polyphenols can prevent metastasis and slow tumor development. These polyphenols can also prevent DNA damage.
The extract of pomegranate targets pro-inflammatory molecules to fight inflammation and stops abnormal cells from growing out of control. At the same time, it inhibits the formation of new blood vessels that nourish tumors. It has also been shown to slow the growth of hormone-dependent cancers.
These characteristics mean that prostate cancer isn’t the only type of cancer the mighty pomegranate can help protect against. A study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal showed that pomegranate extract decreased the size and number of breast tumors in chemically induced breast cancer. The researchers said that these results indicate that pomegranate could one day be developed as a drug that can reduce people’s risk of breast cancer.
Other studies have shown that the pomegranate polyphenol ellagic acid can slow the progression of ulcerative colitis, an intestinal disease that raises a person’s risk of intestinal cancer. Moreover, it can switch off the signaling molecules that are sometimes activated and promote cancer. Other studies have shown the pomegranate extract can improve the rate of survival in animals that have colon cancer.
With their cancer-fighting potential and high content of tannins, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C, organic pomegranates are one fruit that you should certainly be eating more often. Eating the whole fruit is the ideal way to ensure you get all the benefits. Try eating them plain like any other fruit, or add the seeds to yogurt, oatmeal, or a salad. You can also try pomegranate extract or juice. There aren’t any official guidelines, but the prostate cancer trials saw men benefit from eight ounces of juice per day.
Once again, nature has shown just how powerful its offerings can be when it comes to enhancing our health. If you’re not already eating pomegranates regularly, you could be missing out on some incredible benefits.
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