The progress of studies regarding the effects of cadmium accumulation in soil, coupled with the development of various procedures to treat it, significantly benefits toxin-free rice production, according to research published in the IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. The study, led by researchers from the South China Agricultural University and Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institute (SLARI) – Rokupr Agricultural Research Centre, broadly reviewed the cadmium toxicity of rice – in particular, the phytoavailability, effects, and strategies to increase rice yield and reduce cadmium contamination.
The authors of the study posited that further studies would be needed to determine specific aspects; however, the progress made in understanding the effects of cadmium in other plants can be used in studies aimed to reduce its toxicity in rice plants.
Journal Reference:
Kanu AS, Ashraf U, Bangura A, Yang DM, Ngaujah AS, Tang X. CADMIUM (CD) STRESS IN RICE; PHYTO-AVAILABILITY, TOXIC EFFECTS, AND MITIGATION MEASURES-A CRITICAL REVIEW. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. 2017;11(12):7–23. (1). DOI: 10.9790/2402-1112010723