Vegetarians and vegans alike are constantly bombarded with the same encumbering questions – where do you get your protein and do you get enough? The old adage that comes from a retired and biased food pyramid that says you have to eat meat as a major part of your daily food regimen to get your recommended allowance of protein, but do you? In retort, the two more important questions to consider from that would actually be who posed those propositions and were they based on actual science and nutrition research?
It’s time to take an inside look at the perpetuated protein myth and the newly discovered protein truth, so nobody, including the carnivores, have any misconceptions embedded in their brains anymore, and so health enthusiasts across the world can stop suffering from protein anxiety.
Dr. Neal Barnard, a Professor of Medicine at George Washington University, recently gave a mind-blowing presentation on nutrition essentials, including everything you would love to know about protein, calcium, soy, coconut oil, diabetes, cholesterol and even weight loss. Set aside 40 minutes of your valuable time to take a listen and be sure to take notes. Your life and health will be dramatically transformed forever, and you can erase a laundry list of doubts and concerns that may have been plaguing you for years, causing unwarranted anxiety and health consequences you can now begin eliminating in less than one hour.
The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine takes much heat from medical doctors who shill for Big Pharma and push chemical-laced pills for a living. That’s because medical doctors LOSE clients when they get to the root of their patients’ health matters and fix them. One doctor with ethics and morals has uncovered and dispelled some of the greatest myths of the past half-century, and his name is Dr. Neal Barnard.
Consider this: What if you’ve never had a protein deficiency, but you’ve repeatedly been told that if you’re a vegan or vegetarian, that you mostly likely do? On average, a woman requires about 46 grams of protein per day, and a man about 56 grams per day. Did you know that if all you ate tomorrow was broccoli, you would get more than three times the recommended daily allowance of protein? The same goes for lentils. Even corn and oatmeal provide at least that protein minimum for one day. Same goes for blueberries, carrots, and brown rice.
The protein myth is already destroyed. Yes, vegetables have protein. In fact, many of the largest and strongest vegan animals on earth include the elephants, rhinoceros, bison, hippopotamus and horses. Even calcium comes from green leafy vegetables. You don’t need milk and dairy products to get enough calcium. Cows do not make calcium. The cow eats grass. Keep eating your mustard greens, kale and broccoli and dismantle that calcium anxiety you have. By eating your vegetables (instead of meat and dairy), you’re loading up on protein, calcium, iron and fiber and you’re leaving out harmful fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium!
Here’s a handy protein reference guide to alleviate those vegan and vegetarian worries you may still have:
Bottom line: If you’re a vegan or vegetarian, stop worrying about the protein myth and the calcium myth – both perpetuated by the sick care industry of America. Go about your merry ways of eating veggies and making smoothies with organic fruit and live long and prosper! This has been a public service announcement from Natural News. Now check out Dr. Neal Barnard destroying the protein and calcium myths.
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