Here’s a dirty little secret that hardly a smoker on planet Earth understands: An acidic body keeps smokers depressed, stressed, anxious and in need of “relief,” so they go right for the nicotine, all while eating chemical-laden junk food and taking chemical-laced medications that keep them negative, depressed and stressed. Here’s another filthy little secret hardly a smoker (or medical doctor) on planet Earth understands: Nearly all cessation methods for sale these days are scams that are designed by Big Tobacco to fail, so the smoker will return to the most expensive habit that’s ever trapped them.
You see, fake science has always been supported by Big Tobacco and the American Medical Association (AMA), and that’s why 20,000 doctors from the 1930s through the 1950s claimed in advertisements that cigarettes were safe, healthy and aided with digestion, all while recommending their “favorite brands.” All of this occurred AFTER science had proven smoking cigarettes caused lung cancer (that was revealed in the mid-1930s). So now, the dangerous medications, the nicotine patch, the nicotine gum and the ridiculous CDC scary commercials are all gimmicks that lead the smoker right back to the poisonous well within months. That’s why 95 percent of smokers who quit cigarettes without the proper help return to smoking within half a year.
Here’s what’s happening to the 45,000,000 (yes, that’s 45 million) smokers in the United States right now. Besides smoking bleach, ammonia and formaldehyde every half hour or hour of the day, they are also eating bleach and ammonia, and most likely having formaldehyde (and other horrific chemicals) injected into their muscle tissue.
Junk food is treated with chemicals to last longer on the shelf and over-excite the taste buds (think of MSG here). Most white foods like flour, bread, rice, pasta and sugar are bleached white. Most conventional meats, including fish, are treated with ammonia and bleach to kill the parasites, pathogens and superbug bacteria.
Most vaccines, especially flu shots, are laced with embalming fluid (formaldehyde), MSG, aluminum and even sometimes mercury. Since most smokers know they are destroying their health with cigarettes, none of them bother to eat healthy or avoid toxic medicines, like immunizations. Even over-the-counter medications like aspirin, cough syrup and cold “remedies” are scams and contain a laundry list of toxic chemicals that make health matters worse.
By attempting to or even completely quitting cigarettes for a short period of time, yet continuing to pollute the human body with the chemicals found in conventional foods and allopathic medicine, smokers are essentially “shooting themselves in the foot” repeatedly (trying to quit nicotine) while trying to “run a marathon” (quit smoking for good).
An acidic body breeds disease, disorder and negativity – all typical “symptoms” smokers suffer their entire smoking lives. The chronic sick care industry of the USA, along with its partner “Big Food,” steals smoker’s money, not just by selling them cancer sticks, but by selling them junk science food, bad nutritional advice, and toxic symptom-cover-up medications. It’s all for sale “under one roof,” and the scams are marketed right and left (even to children and teens) by the very companies that profit from smokers being sick and addicted.
There is one program we’ve found (it might be the only one in the universe) that incorporates nutrition as a major part of quitting cigarettes and staying off them forever. That’s the key, you see, to never getting dragged back onto “the hook.”
The designer of Stop Smoking Naturally in 14 Days studied nutrition in addition to the chemicals in foods and medicine before inventing the popular natural cessation method that is like no other quitting method on earth. The book is an easy read and incorporates step-by-step behavior modifications that walk the smoker through the first 14 days of quitting (the hardest part), and then explores and explains powerful superfoods and organic supplements that alkalize the body, help with detoxifying, and kill cigarette cravings forever! It’s worth checking out for smokers who have the desire to quit but simply have no idea how to accomplish the lifestyle change.
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