One hundred years ago in America, there was hardly a case of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, ADHD, autism, Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. All of those “diseases” are really just disorders (since they’re not contagious), most of which happen to be preventable and curable with an organic, plant-based food regimen and some daily exercise, but who wants to “do” all of that? It’s much easier to just eat fast food, drink soda, take prescription medications for the pain and agony, and fight for some continued chronic sick care plan that mostly covers the whole recurring nightmare. Or is it?
So what lie did your “medical” doctor tell you about the disorders listed above that you are suffering from? Did he say it’s all “genetic” and that you inherited these problems from your parent’s genes? Will you be fighting for more useless Obamacare this year, or crying because Trumpcare doesn’t cover your symptom cover-up care?
There are two major excuses for not eating right and then crying the blues when medical coverage doesn’t pay for every single dollar of the chronic sick care diagnostics, surgery, prescriptions, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Excuse number one is that organic food is too expensive, but what’s the cost of those deductibles and co-pays for all of that overpriced sick care management? Excuse number two is that it’s too hard to exercise. Of course, most people won’t admit these are the causes of most of their health ills, and medical doctors never blame the food and medicine, or they wouldn’t make six figures a year anymore.
So are you screaming for more Obamacare or crying that Trumpcare is going to take away all your coverage? Guess what? You’ve been conned. No matter what kind of “help” the government delivers, cancels, repeals or replaces, it’s all a Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Big Pharma and the vaccine industry to keep you choosing between poisons while you argue about which one is best for you and your family. Do you prefer CDC-approved cadaver-embalming formaldehyde, infected African green monkey kidney cells, or deadly mercury injected in your veins? Would you rather be addicted to opiate-based painkillers or getting some government-subsidized, immune system-destroying chemotherapy?
#1. Even if you get 100 percent coverage for your “sick care,” your odds of getting even sicker when you visit the hospital are very high. Superbug outbreaks are increasing in U.S. hospitals and antibiotics can no longer fight them off. That means you are arguing for “benefits” that could actually lead you to an early death.
#2. The cost of deductibles, co-pays, and anything the insurance companies simply won’t pay for is almost always thousands of dollars more than it would cost you to simply buy clean food, drink clean water, take natural supplements and join a gym. Do the math yourself.
#3. More often than not, surgery to fix your knees, or remove a non-vital organ, or unclog your arteries, or remove unwanted fat, or remove pre-cancer skin spots, or remove a breast cancer tumor – all of those health conditions could be avoided (or could have been) with proper diet and exercise, but medical doctors never give that advice. Many people suffer complications during surgery anyway, getting deadly MRSA (staph) infections or learning later on that the cancer spread while under the knife.
#4. Nearly all prescription drugs simply cover up and relieve your symptoms of deeper-rooted health problems that more chemical drugs and surgery will never solve.
#5. Mental health drugs (SSRIs), cholesterol drugs, erectile dysfunction medications, blood thinners, painkillers, arthritis medications, vaccines and chemotherapy treatments often come with a very steep price to pay in the form of “side effects” that are often worse than the condition being treated. Now science is proving that chemotherapy creates new deadly cancers in the body. What kind of “health coverage” are you crying about that’s too expensive or that you don’t have again?
#6. Western Medicine health care plans, such as PPOs and HMOs, rarely, if ever, cover natural remedies, chiropractic care, holistic medicine, herbal tinctures, superfoods, homeopathy, massage therapy, acupuncture, or Chinese medicine. Anything that would truly heal you so you don’t have to return to the doctor or hospital isn’t covered. Mainly, only chemicals and surgery, that cause more stress, acidity and health detriment, are covered. That’s why it’s all one big health Ponzi scheme, any way you slice it.
#7. Medical doctors and oncologists in America know next to nothing about nutrition, and even if they did, they’re not allowed by the AMA, FDA or CDC to dish out any nutritional advice for curing or preventing cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart disease or dementia.
#8. According to Obama and Obamacare, the only way it was ever going to work is if all the healthy, young people bought in at high premiums in order to cover the cost of America taking care of everyone who made themselves deathly sick by overeating processed, pesticide-laden, junk-science food for years while taking painkillers and SSRIs to quell the symptoms of chronic junk food disorder. That, my friends, is why the Unaffordable Care Act is a huge failure and why any other attempt at national healthcare in America is just one big Ponzi scheme to steal your money and your health at the same time.
Want some great health coverage? Eat mostly organic food, exercise daily, and stick your excess cash under your mattress for emergencies. Let thy food be thy medicine. Why? Because clean food is the most powerful drug – just listen to Dr. Mark Hyman explain how and why.
Sources for this article include: