Five types of American doctors who know nothing about nutrition and push chemical medicines to cover up symptoms of deeper-rooted health problems
07/12/2017 / By S.D. Wells / Comments
Five types of American doctors who know nothing about nutrition and push chemical medicines to cover up symptoms of deeper-rooted health problems

Ever heard of the 250,000 cotton farmers in central India who took their own lives after being manipulated by promises made by Monsanto? Monsanto claimed to be able to put an end to famine and promised unheard of riches and crop prosperity if the farmers would switch from their conventional farming methods to the use of GM seeds. Many farmers had to borrow money to purchase these seeds, and after several failed harvests, they were left with no income and out of control debt. After going bankrupt from Monsanto’s Ponzi scheme the farmers fell into an endless cycle of depression, hopelessness and despair. It is also believed that, aside from the obvious issue of loss of income, the daily contact with the poisonous pesticides and herbicides also led to the depression these farmers suffered from. They believed the only way out was suicide, many even poisoning themselves with the same pesticides they used to spray on their failed crops.

Do you really believe that dementia and depression caused by consuming toxic pesticides are limited to occupational hazards? What U.S. medical doctors ever test their patient’s blood or urine for pesticides before “recommending” chemical-based prescription medicines to relieve symptoms of pesticide poisoning, heavy metal toxin overload and the resulting nutritional deficiencies?

According to the Alzheimer’s Association and a controlled study that was done at Emory University’s Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, elevated serum pesticide levels are directly correlated to increased risk of dementia. Currently, at least five million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease – the most common form of dementia and a progressive, fatal brain disease. Is this a coincidence? More and more American crops are being dosed with known carcinogens manufactured in laboratories by Monsanto, Dow, Dupont, Syngenta, Cargill and Bayer. Still, hundreds of thousands of U.S. doctors give zero nutritional advice to their patients who come to them suffering from the obvious symptoms, diseases and disorders caused by ingesting pesticides, including those toxins found in genetically modified corn, soy and canola. Go figure.

Are your body and brain suffering from consuming chemicals? Then why on earth would you listen to a doctor who pushes chemical-based medicines for a living?

Besides naturopathic doctors, there is hardly a doctor in America who carefully examines everything their patients eat, drink and put on their skin before “diagnosing” health problems. Can you lay a tarp over a volcano and hope to cap the molten lava? Would you put a band aid on your stomach if you ate rotten meat and were suffering from food poisoning? These chemical prescription meds simply don’t make sense.

If we, as Americans, are never educated about the dangers of health-altering chemicals found in conventional produce, GM crops and popular personal care products, why wouldn’t we believe that “doctor recommended” chemicals could solve our health problems?

Most Americans bodies are like a volcano about to erupt, showing all the signs of chemical consumption disorder. Will you solve your health problems by ending your chemical consumption, or will you exacerbate your health ills by continuing to eat, drink and inject more toxins? Who are your doctors and do they know anything at all about nutrition? You better check.

Five kinds of chemical pushing hucksters who know good and well prescription drugs make health matters worse

#1. Addiction psychiatrists – these are medical doctors who mainly prescribe SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) for people with addictions to alcohol, illegal drugs or other experimental prescription medications. Pharmacological “strategies” are used by psychiatrists to target individuals suffering from anxiety or attention deficit disorders due to substance abuse. Could anxiety and depression also stem from chemical-laced foods? Of course it can, but is there even one addiction psychiatrist in America who tests their patient’s blood or urine for poisoning from insecticides and herbicides? Instead of searching for the root cause, many addiction psychiatrists sling experimental, dangerous mind-altering drugs like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil on tens of millions of Americans, including children and teens, because it’s easy money. Evidence continues to accumulate that these drugs induce suicidal and murderous actions, not to mention strokes for women after menopause.

#2. Pediatricians and adolescent medicine specialists – Ever heard of “Dollars for Docs?” Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are now required by law to release details of their payments to all kinds of U.S. doctors that push pills on infants, children and teens (over $6 billion every three years). Why are there no payments to doctors to promote organic foods and natural remedies?

#3. Oncologists (including radiation oncologists) – Did you know chemotherapy can backfire and cause healthy cells to feed the growth of cancer tumors? So why then do oncologists use chemo as a mainstream method of treating a cell disorder that’s mainly caused by the consumption of chemicals? It doesn’t make sense.

#4. Dermatologists – Most dermatologists perform surgery as a standard function for treating cancer “spots” on the skin, but cancer is a disorder of the cells, with a deeper-rooted cause. Would you go around your yard chopping off the tops of weeds and expecting them to stop growing? It doesn’t make sense.

#5. Surgeons – Should surgeons keep removing the malfunctioning organs of Americans who eat all the wrong foods daily? Is this cost effective and wise? Maybe every surgeon, radiologist, pediatrician and oncologist in America needs to go back to college and study nutrition, then reassess their fundamental approach to medicine.

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