One of the most common infectious diseases known to the modern world is gum disease and its associated tooth decay issues – which affects 3.9 billion people worldwide. Also called periodontal disease, this often overlooked health problem is directly linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes and even dementia.
According to periodontist and functional medicine practitioner Dr. Alvin Danenberg, simply changing diet and lifestyle habits hold the key to reversing this major health threat.
Discover the real cause of tooth decay and gum disease plus how to AVOID serious health issues. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Alvin Danenberg talk about why gum disease is such a problem today and the latest natural techniques for maintaining optimal oral health. Don’t miss this important show about your health.
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According to Dr. Danenberg, tooth decay was almost unheard of 10,000 years ago – until humans transitioned from “hunter-gatherers” to “farmers.” Consequently, the adoption of a carbohydrate-rich diet, along with the advent of industrially processed flour and sugar, caused an explosion in the incidence of caries and gum disease.
Increased consumption of domesticated cereals has created a marked increase in dental calculus, or plaque, while “free” sugars in syrups, juices, sodas and concentrates produce acids that cause tooth decay – resulting in a “double whammy” of tooth-destroying practices.
In addition, Dr. Danenberg notes that too many people remain uninformed about the best ways to care for the mouth – increasing the risk of disease. Bottom line: poor nutrition, toxicity and chronic inflammation triggered by poor oral health puts our lives at risk and all of this is avoidable.
Don’t miss the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour and lifesaving news about your health.
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Dr. Danenberg strongly recommends “ancestral nutrition” – which is simply the practice of consuming unrefined, unprocessed, whole, natural foods. These foods, by their very nature, are nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory, two important factors when it comes to maintaining dental health.
Surprisingly, dental plaque is not always bad, and the phrase “healthy dental plaque” is not a contradiction in terms. According to Dr. Danenberg – who advises against antibacterial mouthwashes – healthy dental plaque can fight disease-causing bacteria, remineralize teeth and help to stabilize acid levels.
However, inflammation can upset this delicate balance, as can poor food choices.
Bacteria in the mouth should not be killed, but “fed” to encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms. This is because mouth bacteria produce hydrogen peroxide that keeps harmful bacteria under control.
To decrease the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth and promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, Dr. Danenberg advises eating healthy amounts of prebiotic foods – such as jicama – and, of course, to avoid refined (processed) sugars.
On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Dr. Danenberg will detail the many ways to naturally REVERSE gum disease including some surprising news about nutrition, bacteria in the mouth and oil pulling. Join us for a highly-informative program.
This week’s guest: Alvin H. Danenberg, DDS, periodontist and leading expert on the nutritional treatment of gum disease
Discover the most powerful ways to REVERSE gum disease – Sun. May 21
Alvin H. Danenberg, DDS, periodontist, educator, writer, lecturer and certified primal health coach, has been a certified functional medicine practitioner since 2012. Dr. Danenberg received his dental degree from the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery in 1972, and his specialty certificate in periodontics from the University of Maryland School of Graduate Dentistry in 1974.
A former Chief of Periodontics at Charleston Air Force Base, Dr. Danenberg is currently a Life Member in the American Dental Association. In July 2015, Dr. Danenberg wrote the Integrative Periodontal Module for the College of Integrative Medicine’s certification program, and has a new book called, “Crazy-Good LIVING!” He is currently in private practice, where he incorporates primal nutrition and primal lifestyle with his laser surgery protocol to treat advanced gum disease.
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