Dairy industry front group declares eating “clean food” promotes disease; tells youth to drink DIRTY MILK for lifelong health
04/13/2017 / By Mike Adams / Comments
Dairy industry front group declares eating “clean food” promotes disease; tells youth to drink DIRTY MILK for lifelong health

In the latest hilarious example of fake science from a dirty, dishonest industry, the so-called National Osteoporosis Society — little more than a junk science front group for the dirty dairy industry — has declared clean eating to be a “dangerous timebomb.” According to the group, clean food promotes disease, while the best way to support lifelong health is to consume dirty foods such as processed milk and cheese that are loaded with artificial hormones and pesticides. (I’m not making this up. See the link below…)

Right on cue, the dishonest mainstream media now decrees clean eating to be a “cult” that could cause horrible disease. Anyone who avoids processed sugar, homogenized milk, pesticide-laden foods or nutritionally-depleted refined starches is now condemned as a “cultist” by the hopelessly dishonest (and nutritionally illiterate) media, which depends on dairy industry advertising for its revenues.

“[T]he charity said many of those following the trends had no idea that cutting out major food groups could jeopardise their long-term health, with bones still developing in early adulthood,” reports The Telegraph in a dairy industry propaganda piece that demonizes clean food diets. The same article goes on to condemn celebrities “who have boasted how they have cut out gluten, dairy, grains and refined sugars” as if that’s a horrible sin of some kind.

People who choose to eat clean food are further smeared in the story which somehow equates clean food with a “poor diet,” explaining:

A poor diet for those in their teens and early twenties now could see a significant rise in the numbers of people suffering fractures and the complications associated with them in the future.

The story goes on to ridiculously equate drinking milk with preventing osteoporosis while insisting that people who eat clean, unprocessed foods are committing nutritional suicide.

Yes, The Telegraph is the same UK-based publication that openly attacks breastfeeding, falsely declaring that breastfeeding does nothing for the IQ of your child while promoting anti-breastfeeding propaganda groups that push infant formula from globalist food conglomerates. The message from The Telegraph? Human breast milk is BAD for babies, but processed, homogenized cow’s milk is GREAT for children and teens.

Folks, it doesn’t get any more idiotic than this. The Telegraph has just labeled itself a media “DUNCE” for life (as well as a real danger to the health of UK children who might be negatively influenced by the publisher’s dangerous nutritional illiteracy). If there’s any publication that should be labeled “fake news” on health matters, it’s The Telegraph. And this story was authored by their Health Editor!

Fact check: Processed MILK does not equal strong bones

The wildly dishonest dairy industry has long attempted to equate drinking milk with developing strong bones while glossing over the cardiovascular risks of consuming a processed, homogenized, pasteurized milk product.

But a study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who drank three or more glasses of milk a day did not show a decrease in bone fractures compared with those who drank less than one glass of milk a day. In fact, people who drank the most milk were twice as likely to die early.

Here are some other truths about milk the dairy industry doesn’t want you to realize:

Truth #1) Strong bones depend far more on vitamin D than milk. Most people get plenty of calcium in their diet, but without sufficient vitamin D in your blood, your bones can’t efficiently use the calcium you’re consuming.

Truth #2) While raw milk can be very healthy, homogenized milk is artificially altered to change the structure of the fat molecules, making them more dangerous to your health and a major contributing factor to cardiovascular disease (and atherosclerosis).

Truth #3) The pasteurization of milk destroys the lactase enzymes that make milk more easily digestible by consumers. This is one reason why so many people can’t consume milk without experiencing extreme mucous, sinus congestion and even constipation: They can’t digest the product because the lactase has been deactivated, causing many people to believe they are lactose-intolerant.

Truth #4) There’s more calcium in a glass of broccoli juice than a glass of milk. If you really want calcium and other nutrients, raw food juicing is by far the best way to get more calcium into your diet. The “milk = calcium” myth is a total fabrication of the dishonest dairy industry, which has about as much scientific credibility as Big Tobacco.

Truth #5) Most commercial dairy operations are cruel, inhumane animal factories that subject dairy cows to excruciating pain and suffering in order to produce corporate profits.

Truth #6) Both BLOOD and PUS are legally allowed in commercial milk products. Few consumers know that pasteurized milk contains 150 times higher levels of blood and pus than fresh, raw milk.

WARNING: Graphic video below, showing the extreme abuse of dairy cows:

The dairy industry is totally freaking out that people are learning the truth about “dirty milk”

As the truth about the deceptions of the factory-run dairy industry continues to spread across social media, the dairy industry is ramping up its public relations propaganda arm, now trying to scare people into drinking more milk by claiming their bones will break if they don’t. Even more shockingly, by attacking the “clean eating” movement that avoids processed dairy and cheese products, the dairy industry is admitting its products are DIRTY food.

Even more absurdly, the industry insists that you can only be healthy if you eat sufficient quantities of their “dirty food” which is waning in terms of public demand.

It’s already obvious this deceptive P.R. campaign is going to wildly backfire on the dairy industry. Do these corporate morons really believe that they can scare people into drinking more dirty milk by running around screaming that “clean food” is a horribly harmful diet?

It’s just laughable. Pathetic, sad and laughable. If anything, all this is yet another great reminder why you should never buy factory produced milk or cheese products again.

Personally, I’m a fan of making my own almond milk using a blender, fresh almonds, a nut milk bag and some water. It’s the best-tasting milk in the world, and it’s not produced with hormones, GMOs, pesticides or cruelty. If you want to consume cow’s milk, get whole, fresh RAW cow’s milk from a local farmer (and hope the food police don’t arrest you for the “crime” of purchasing real food).

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