Major molecular differences proven between GMO “Frankencorn” and non-GMO normal corn – serious safety implications revealed by new peer-reviewed study
01/06/2017 / By S.D. Wells / Comments
Major molecular differences proven between GMO “Frankencorn” and non-GMO normal corn – serious safety implications revealed by new peer-reviewed study

Toxin-resistant GMO corn called NK603 produces its own toxic effects, according to recent research out of the King’s College in London. NK603 is corn that is immune to the toxic herbicide Roundup but is toxic itself, so what’s the use, and why have the manufacturers been lying to Americans for years saying that the genetic mutation that contains weed-killing components is the “substantial equivalent” of its parent – a normal, conventional, non-toxic variety of corn? NK603 GM corn literally produces toxic effects that heighten allergic reactions and propel the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.

NK603 has been engineered in a laboratory to “tolerate” massive amounts of noxious weed-killers, including Monsanto’s infamous Roundup, that contains about 50% glyphosate, which was implicated by the World Health Organization as a probable cancer-causing agent for humans. Top it off with the fact that glyphosate becomes exponentially more toxic when combined with all the other “inert” or “inactive” ingredients in Roundup. Scientific correlations have also been made between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

These new peer-reviewed research findings completely disprove industry and regulatory agency claims that NK603 is ‘substantially equivalent’ to its non-GMO counterpart. Long term health detriment from eating toxic NK603 is still widely unknown. The study is published in the scientific journal Nature and the research was headed up by Dr. Michael Antoniou, who is now calling for a more thorough investigation of the dangers of consuming NK603.

Lab rats fed NK603 GM maize suffered liver and kidney damage

The London study of GMO corn variety NK603 revealed alarming and disturbing truths the biotech industry doesn’t want anyone to know about. Not only does NK603 contain pesticide genes (yes, weeds are crop “pests” just like insects), but NK603 corn gets sprayed with the toxins that it contains and doesn’t die. That is the goal of GMO and the end result of manipulating the genetic structure of corn; however, the end result for animals that eat it, including rats and humans, is vital organ failure. It’s a double dose of toxins that cause severe allergies and cell mutations.

NK603 substantially altered and nowhere near “equivalent” to non-GMO corn

The findings of the Frankencorn study reveal over 100 proteins and more than 90 small molecule biochemicals (metabolites) were discovered to be “statistically significantly altered” in NK603 corn during the genetic modification transformation process. These metabolic profiles were altered in the lab, not in the field when sprayed with Roundup, according to the scientists. The alterations reveal a protein profile that reflects an imbalance of energy utilization and oxidative stress, meaning damage to cells and tissues by reactive oxygen. In other words, biotech scientists have created corn that now inherently contains “markedly increased” toxic compounds (polyamines, putrescine, and cadaverine), before ever even being sprayed with toxic herbicides or noxious pesticides.

General disturbances in GMO plants call for extreme caution regarding consumption

Furthermore, the genetic modification transformation process causes what the scientists have described as a “general disturbance in the GMO plant.” Profiles of the corn kernels revealed alterations in the levels of enzymes, reflecting imbalances in energy metabolism.

Sure, science and chemical agriculture can be important for protecting food, but when the cost shows up at the hospitals across America where innocent people are getting dosed with chemotherapy (more noxious chemicals) to treat cell disorders that originate from eating toxic corn that’s been sprayed with cancer-causing chemicals, then nobody can be labeled “anti-science” for rejecting GMOs. Who cares about killing weeds and bugs if the same process kills human beings?

The FDA, USDA, and CDC need a complete overhaul to “weed out” the biotech industry hacks who control GMO approval processes

NK603 is considered just one variety of “Roundup Ready” corn that’s made by Monsanto and was completely deregulated in the United States in 2000 by regulatory hacks and charlatans who previously worked for Monsanto. Most national biosafety regulations are undermined in the US because the FDA and USDA rely on the manufacturers of toxic pesticides and herbicides to test their own products for safety, which is like letting criminals be their own judge and jury in court after committing crimes against humanity.

From Reagan to Clinton, and from the Bushes to Obama, the last slew of US presidents have opened the door for the GMO invasion of toxic corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, sugar beets, alfalfa, and much more. All these Frankencrops should be assessed for risk and adverse affects early on, but instead they’re all given a green light by industry shills.

In the US, the FDA considers GM technology as an extension of conventional breeding, even though most other developed countries completely ban growing and importing GMO anything. Japan and Russia know too well the dangers of consuming toxic GM corn, soy and rice. Technology can be good or bad, and biotechnology has proven time and time again, and in reliable peer-reviewed studies, to churn out dangerous crops for US consumption.

Eating GMOs can cause liver and kidney damage in just months

In conclusion, GMO crops are not “substantially equivalent” to conventional, non-GM crops. It’s all a big lie and continuation of a sham perpetrated on US consumers for thirty years and running. Research reveals disturbing variations that damage liver and kidney biochemistry in animals, and in some instances, in less than three months. Even the approval process for glyphosate herbicide was massively disputed because it is usually mixed with additives and co-formulants that make it way more toxic than glyphosate alone. Monsanto never tests (or reveals tests) of this nature–knowing the detrimental results they would have to share with American consumers and regulatory officials. It’s all a formula for slow death that makes the biotech industry a fortune.

Say “No!” to GMO. You always have a choice. Look for the USDA certified organic label and ask your local farmers tough questions about the herbicides and pesticides they might be using. An informed consumer directly translates into a smart, healthy human.








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