Canola oil can actually suppress crucial Thyroid function
09/02/2016 / By D. Samuelson / Comments
Canola oil can actually suppress crucial Thyroid function

If you still use any product made with canola oil, be prepared to toss it. Although canola’s origins, according to, indicate that “canola was created through traditional plant cross-breeding by removing two things found in the rapeseed plant,” today nearly all canola oil is genetically modified. That’s reason enough to remove it from home and stop buying products with it, but there’s more bad news about canola oil.

Natural News reports, “America loves their canola! Who would really eat it if they knew that it was made with hexane vapor — a gasoline constituent? Even organic canola that’s “expeller-pressed” comes from something we’re not even supposed to eat in the first place — rapeseed.

“. . .Canola is like sodium benzoate, as it chokes your cells, ruins your immunity and requires extra “processing” by your body just to filter out the toxic synthetic oil that comes from rapeseed, which Mother Nature never intended as food — that’s why it stinks. You know, when manufacturing and processing companies and corporations make canola, they ALL have to put it through a DEODORIZING PROCESS to remove the stink.”

Canola’s poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) suppress thyroid function.

“Polyunsaturated fat is a prime source of DNA-disrupting free radicals, thyroid-killing omega-6 fatty acids and metabolism-squashing inflammation. What’s worse for your health than processed white flour, refined sugar and high-fructose corn syrup? Try a distorted ratio of fats, like 16 to 1, where the omega-6s and 9s outweigh the 3s. . . ”

Ask your deli manager what kind of oil they use in their salads, muffins and other baking products. They will probably say canola. Why? Because it’s cheaper. Educate them about the dangers of genetic engineering and GMOs. Offer to pay more if they use healthier oils, and always support farmers and stores that sell organic food.



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