What you’re not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure
07/25/2016 / By JD Heyes / Comments
What you’re not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure

What do you think you would hear if you were to ask someone what they knew about sunscreen? If you’re like most people, you’re liable to hear lots of disinformation from someone who has been repeatedly misinformed by so-called health authorities and the mainstream media.

Since nearly nothing you would hear about sunscreen from traditional media and science channels is accurate here is a quick guide to seven things you really need to know about sunscreen, now that spring has sprung:

  • The FDA won’t allow natural sunscreen ingredients to be included in sunblock products. A truly natural sunscreen using exotic botanicals could never be marketed as such because the FDA has sole power to decide what can and cannot be used to make sunscreen, even though the natural product would work just fine.
  • Just about all commercial chemical sunscreens contain cancer-causing agents. You likely won’t even be able to pronounce most of the chemicals on the label of any sunscreen you would pick up at your local retailer. These are nonetheless formulated with cancer-causing fragrance materials, parabens, harsh alcohols and the like.
  • Vitamin D is vital to our health, but something like 70 percent of Americans are vitamin D-deficient. And yet we’re constantly told not to get too much sun because it isn’t good for us (which isn’t true). Fact is, vitamin D deficiency actually promotes cancer, too, according to this study.
  • Just by changing your diet you can actually boost your ability to repel the sun. Eating superfoods and foods rich in antioxidants like the supplement astaxanthin, for example, is very well known for boosting your skin’s natural resistance to sunburn.
  • No, exposure to UV light alone does not cause cancer. The truth is actually more complicated: Skin cancer can only be caused when UV exposure is combined with chronic nutritional deficiencies that create skin vulnerabilities.
  • Be advised that not all “natural” sunscreens really are “all natural.” Here is a good resource for legitimate all-natural sunscreen.
  • Some “chemical-free” sunscreens contain chemicals. For instance, search Amazon.com for “chemical free natural sunscreen” and you’ll see a listing for:

Jason Natural Cosmetics – Earth’s Best Sun Block Chemical Free, 4 oz cream. What you don’t know about sunscreens is hurting you.

Read the ingredients (chemicals) found on the label.






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