In June 2015, geochemist and nuclear chemist Dr. Marvin Herndon, PhD. published an article about chemtrail effects in India entitled “Aluminum poisoning of humanity and Earth’s biota through clandestine geo engineering.” For a scientist to use the word “clandestine” was unusual. And while aluminum is found naturally in our environment, regular forced consumption of aluminum particulates, says Michelle Walling CHLC, at, is linked with an increase in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. But it’s not just heavy metals that are being forced into our lungs and brains while simultaneously disrupting our globe’s natural hydrological processes. An Italian documentary by Antonio and Rosario Marciano called “Chemtrails, The Secret War,” shows evidence of additional toxins being strewn about by military and commercial airliners: fungi, bacteria, fuel polymers, cesium, copper, manganese, blood samples and more. If your family members still don’t believe chemtrails exist, this is a must watch video.
Every body has it’s own ability to fight off toxins, but at times the overload of chemicals and foreign materials may require a more specific protocol with your health care worker than simply a change of diet. Nevertheless, it’s prudent for all persons who want to feel better, to consider eating more organic fruits and vegetables, increasing bodily movement through exercise and to seek clean drinking water. Michelle Walling suggests there are ten special foods to consider when battling those chemtrails. She reports, “Mother Nature can help detoxify the body of chemtrails and other metals.”
1. Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) – Get the food grade, not the D.E. packages used for pest control. It’s a powdered substance full of silica and made from fossils of diatoms, a phytoplankton. It’s negative charge may help pull pathogens out of the body.
2. Activated Charcoal – This is used in emergency rooms to help eliminate poisons. Toxins cling to its surface in an adsorption, not absorption, process for elimination.
3. Magnesium – Many Americans are magnesium deficient. Magnesium not only helps block aluminum and other heavy metals from the brain, it assists heart function, muscle spams, sleep and many other important life processes. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is one delivery method.
4. Curcumin – The principle ingredient of turmeric, this is another aluminum fighter.
5. Saffron – An expensive and delicate spice from purple crocus flowers can also help detoxify the body and protect the brain.
6. Flax Seed – Full of fiber, antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. It helps eliminate toxins.
7. Hemp – Delicious nutty taste and full of fiber to aid digestion and elimination. Hemp is also high in protein, amino acids, antioxidants and even chlorophyll, which is known to support toxin cleansing in the body.
8. Cinnamon – A simply delicious spice that is known for reducing “the inflammatory response.”
9. Cilantro – Known as an excellent food to assist in mercury elimination.
10. Chlorella – Another strong food with electrical properties that binds it to mercury for removal from the body.
These days, we don’t just contend with genetically engineered seeds and billions of gallons of glyphosate sprayed by low level planes, farmers, misinformed home owners and county governments. What’s drifting down from higher up may be even more dangerous. It’s clear that our skies are being poisoned by military and commercial jets dispersing an unbelievable list of toxic ingredients for a wide variety of nefarious reasons. And it’s up to us to inform others, and do what we can to protect our families from the fallout.
(Image credit: YouTube/Akrontrekker)