Companion planting with cannabis – a strategy that works
07/04/2016 / By Claire Rankin / Comments
Companion planting with cannabis – a strategy that works

Companion planting is a practice that can benefit cannabis plants, whether they are grown indoors or outdoors. Monoculture means that hundreds of plants are grown in the same area as a crop, whereas companion planting means dispersing your cannabis plants among other beneficial plants for the best results. Companion planting can improve the quality of cannabis and result in a better product.

Organic, naturally grown produce is always best for human health and for the environment. Indeed, in the natural world, one seldom finds monoculture plant growth – large scale argricultural farming is something designed and orchestrated by humans.

Growing cannabis alongside other plants can prevent the need for pesticides. In fact, man-made pesticides are harmful to soils and can destroy the bacterial and fungal ecosystem present in the rhizosphere and this can eventually damage the health of plants. Not only that, but the damage to the soil can take decades to repair.

Create a layer or mulch for your garden by using your leftover, biodegradable plant matter. Add garden trimmings such as cut grass, leaves, straw, twigs and so on. This will create a deep mulch that will mean your cannabis plants will need to be watered less often.

Companion plants that repel aphids and spider mites are garlic, cilantro, foxgloves, marigolds and dill. Basil is an excellent herb for repelling insects, beetles, flies and slugs.

Sunflowers attract beneficial mites and bugs that prey on spider mites and gnats. Oregano attracts beneficial insects as well.

Chili peppers will discourage larger pests attracted to your cannabis plants, such as rabbits, mice and even deer.

Nitrogen is a common deficiency in cultivating cannabis and lack of nitrogen can cause slow leaf death. Beans planted nearby cannabis plants can help remedy nitrogen deficient soil and help the cannabis plants to grow vigorously.

To disguise the smell of your cannabis plants, try growing lavender, jasmine, mint and southernwood.

Plants which can camouflage your cannabis plants from prying eyes are numerous – it depends on your growing environment. Bamboo, honeysuckle and willow trees are a good option.


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