Don’t be a passive marijuana consumer
06/27/2016 / By Claire Rankin / Comments
Don’t be a passive marijuana consumer

In many industries, consumers purchase items blithely, without thinking about where the products have come from, what the companies behind those products are like when it comes to ethical practices, pesticide use, toxic ingredients and so on. The average cannabis consumer needs to be aware of where his or her dollars are going, especially in the current exploding cannabis market.

The legal marijuana industry was born out of a social justice movement, with many activists fighting for years to have marijuana decriminalized, available for all and have long fought for reform. Those days are largely in the past, although plenty still needs to be accomplished.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where profit comes first. Many large companies and entrepreneurs are flocking to profit from the latest “gold rush,” hoping to make it big out of cannabis. When money comes first, however, industry often has no regard for the environment, no desire to support reform and often does not care about the communities in which it operates. Many times, companies whose bottom line is profit, are experts at branding and marketing and can often dominate the market.

As Johnny Green of the Weed Blog so rightly states: “Before you give your hard earned dollars to a cannabis company, take into consideration not just the product that the company has to offer, but what that company is doing to help carry their fair share of the load in the march to end cannabis prohibition, and right the wrongs of the past as much as reasonably possible.”

Before spending on cannabis products, find out if pesticides have been used, ask what the company’s mission is, does the company take care of its employees, where was the cannabis grown, is the company socially responsible. Buy from sustainable farmers who grow their cannabis organically. Google “clean green certified” to look for certified farmers in your state.

In fact, voting with your dollars extends to all areas of natural, clean green living. Scams abound everywhere and careful research needs to be done to find the best, organic, whole foods in order to live the healthiest life possible.




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