Four essential superfood smoothies you need to know to quickly fight inflammation and boost energy
06/09/2016 / By D. Samuelson / Comments
Four essential superfood smoothies you need to know to quickly fight inflammation and boost energy

Get out your favorite blender and be prepared to down a few of the tastiest, healthiest smoothies you’ve ever had the pleasure of swallowing. They are good for your digestion, your immune system, your energy level and overall sense of well-being. They’re good!  Natural News reports:

Anti inflammatory

1 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons grated ginger
2 cups unsweetened coconut milk (or coconut cream, diluted)
Raw honey to taste

Both turmeric and ginger lend substantial anti-inflammatory action. Curcumin (found in turmeric) is also known to support liver health. Piperine – the active compound in black pepper – helps to increase the bioavailability of turmeric. Coconut milk assists in reducing inflammatory response.

Spicy green Superfood
1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano leaves
A handful of arugula
2 cups unsweetened coconut milk (or coconut cream, diluted)
Stevia extract to taste

Oregano herb is antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic. Peppery-tasting arugula is an exceptional source of iron, as well as vitamins A, C and K. Arugula also contains glucosinolates — compounds that tame free radicals in the body and prevent cancer.

Energy elixir
1 tablespoon bee pollen
2 cups almond or hemp milk
1 teaspoon chia seed
1/2 cup frozen acai berries
Raw honey to taste

 Bee pollen is one of the best foods if you require more energy. Chia seeds are another excellent source of protein and are known to enhance physical stamina. Indigenous to the Amazon, acai berry is an energy-boosting fruit.

Immune booster
1/4 teaspoon camu camu berry powder
2 cups unsweetened kefir
1 ounce elderberry extract
1/2 cup frozen aronia berries
Stevia extract to taste

Camu camu berry gives the immune system a major boost in no time flat. Antibacterial and antiviral, aronia berry contains potent compounds that fortify the body against infectious disease. A brilliant purple fruit, elderberry stimulates the immune system and is a time-honored herbal remedy for the flu.


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