(NaturalNews) Most people diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes believe it’s a condition they will have for the rest of their lives. Convinced that there is little they can do to stop it, they accept their diagnoses and allow the pharmaceutical system to manage their condition for the rest of their lives. It’s a helpless mindset, a thought process that gets imprinted into their minds by a clueless medical culture that has a hard time seeing and admitting the root causes of the metabolic problems associated with Type-2 diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes can actually be reversed solely through natural lifestyle changes. Famous actor Tom Hanks knows this, and has spoke out about his problems publicly. “I’m part of the lazy American generation that has blindly kept dancing through the party and now finds ourselves with a malady,” he said, as reported by Womanista. “I was heavy. You’ve seen me in movies. You know what I looked like. I was a total idiot.”
“I thought I could avoid it by removing the buns from my cheeseburgers,” he explained. “Well, it takes a little bit more than that.”
Hanks has publicly remarked that he grew up learning very little about nutrition as a child, and this lack of knowledge has affected him as an adult. On The Late Show with David Letterman in 2013, he opened up about getting a diagnosis and feeling trapped with it. “My doctor said, ‘Look, if you can weigh as much as you weighed in high school, you will essentially be completely healthy. You will not have Type 2 diabetes,’ And then I said to her, ‘Well, then, I’m gonna have Type 2 diabetes, because there is no way I can weigh as much as I did in high school.'”
Tom Hanks knows that the diagnosis can be entirely eliminated from his life, making way for an entirely new, healthy lifestyle. He has recently decided to stop compromising his health for movie roles.
“I’ve talked to a number of actors who have gained weight for roles, and just the sheer physical toll it puts on one’s knees and shoulders—no one wants to do it again,” Hanks said at the 2013 BFI London Film Festival. “I’m 57 and I don’t think I’m going to take on any job or go on vacation again and see to it that I can gain 30 pounds.”
The good news is that Tom Hanks knows that Type-2 diabetes is something he can overcome. He just has to change key areas of his lifestyle so he can naturally reverse it.
You do not have to be fooled by pharmaceutical advertisements into believing that you need medication to manage type-2 diabetes. Pathetically, popular TV psychologist Dr. Phil has partnered with AstraZeneca to promote weekly injections of a drug that causes possible thyroid tumors, including cancer.
The bottom line is this: diabetes does not have to be a lifelong condition. You do not have to be dependent on pharmaceuticals that are only a death sentence.
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