One of the most frequent complaints made by those who want to eat healthier is the price tag attached to whole organic food. Fortunately, you can now significantly reduce your grocery bill by growing your own food at home using food scraps and a Garden Tower.
The Garden Tower takes your daily kitchen scraps and turns them into nutritionally dense organic food. As a self-fertilizing system that waters itself, the Tower Garden allows you to grow up to 50 plants in a surface area of no more than four square feet. If saving money and your health sounds like a good idea to you, read on to discover some of the fruits and vegetables you can grow at home with food scraps.
No kitchen is complete without a fresh head of lettuce. To grow the most lettuce at home, take some leftover lettuce leaves, place them in a bowl with a dab of water and in an area with good sunlight. Once the roots begin to grow in about four days, you can take and replant them in the soil of one of the Garden Tower cups.
Celery is one of the easiest vegetables to grow using vegetable scraps. All that is required is the base of a celery plant. Place the base of the celery plant in a bowl of warm water and in an area with plenty of sunshine. In about a week, the leaves will start to sprout. Take these leaves, place them in a vertical tower cup and wait for them to spring forth.
Tomatoes can be grown using, you guessed it, tomato seeds. Take some seeds out of a tomato you purchased from the supermarket and place them on a dry towel. Afterwards, plant the seeds in a bowl of soil and let them grow inside for a couple days until they’re a few inches long. Then you can place them in your vertical garden.
Potatoes can be regrown using the peelings of other potatoes, but the peelings must have eyes on them. Peel the skin into two inch slices, make sure they have two to three eyes and let them dry overnight. Plant the peels facing upwards about four inches deep into the soil. New plants should start to grow in two to three weeks.
Sweet potatoes are even better than normal potatoes, but the process of growing them is slightly different. Take half a sweet potato, insert toothpicks at one-inch intervals from the base and place it in a container with shallow water. In a few days, roots and sprouts will start to appear at the top. Once they reach four inches long, cut them from the potato and place in soil.
Ginger is another root that is easy to grow. Take some ginger root and place it in potting soil facing up. The new shoots and roots should burgeon in about week. When this takes place, pull them up and use again. Make sure to keep the rhizome in order to replant.
Turnips have a reputation for being easy to grow from scraps. Simply take some turnip tops and submerge them in a jar of water. Within a few days, fresh green tops will kindle. Let the roots grow at least an inch before your decide to replant them.
Avocados are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and an equally good food to grow at home. Use three toothpicks to suspend over a water-filled glass to cover almost an inch of the seed. Keep the glass in a warm spot that is not directly exposed to sunlight, and make sure to water daily. It can take as long as six weeks for stems and roots to appear. Once the roots and stems are six inches long, cut them back down to three inches. When the leaves start to appear, place them in soil and leave almost half exposed above the ground.
Onions can be grown both inside and outside. Start by cutting off the root of the onion but make sure to leave almost a half an inch in-intact. Apply soil conservatively and place in direct sunlight.
You can never purchase red peppers again if you harvest pepper seeds. Simply take the seeds of a red pepper and sprinkle in an area where they will be sure to get enough sunlight. Red peppers grow quickly and require very little maintenance. If it is hot outside, plant the seeds in the soil.
The Tower Garden has made rural gardening both easy and affordable. In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with the Garden Tower, you’ll slash your grocery bills in half and learn how to be more self-reliant. It’s a win-win situation. Click here to purchase your very own Garden Tower today.
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