Control your master weight loss hormone by doing the following
01/18/2016 / By Michael Bundrant / Comments
Control your master weight loss hormone by doing the following

What’s the master weight loss hormone?


Learn to control your body’s insulin response and your body will stop being inclined to store fat, according to best selling author and researcher Gary Taubes.

Insulin’s job is to remove sugar from the blood. Released by the pancreas, insulin sends blood sugar to the fat cells, where it is converted into body fat.

Interestingly, while insulin is more concentrated in the blood, it also prevents fat from leaving fat cells. When this happens, you body will crave more carbs in order to get through the day. (Can you say vicious cycle?)

This is NOT the ideal scenario for fat loss! You want fat breaking down throughout the day and night. You want that fat entering your bloodstream on a regular basis for energy. This is how your body is supposed to work. Too much insulin in the blood prevents you from drawing on this vital energy source.

The result? Food cravings. More fat transported and trapped in your cells. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

How can you control insulin release?

Carbohydrates trigger insulin secretion. Cut back on your carbs – especially grains and sugars – and your body will not elevate insulin -it won’t need to. After a period of adjustment, your body will recapture it’s ability to burn fat for fuel.

This is one of Taube’s primary messages in Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat.


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