(NaturalNews) There are all sorts of ways the federal government actively poisons the population:
• The EPA spills toxic waste into rivers.
• The FDA keeps cancer causing additives in the food supply.
• The CDC pushes toxic vaccines laced with mercury… even when that mercury gets injected into children in California.
• The USDA approves toxic GMO crops that use deadly herbicide chemicals linked with cancer.
And now there’s a new one you’ve probably never heard of. I’ve recently learned that the U.S. federal government is actively blocking the public from learning about an herbal molecule from licorice root that can be added to alcoholic beverages to dramatically reduce the liver toxicity caused by alcohol consumption.
The liver protective effects of this plant-based molecule are astonishing, yet the TTB (which regulates alcohol) is demanding this molecule be censored from public knowledge and not mentioned on alcohol labels.
The trade name for the molecule is “NTX” and it’s a combination of a licorice root extract plus a functional sugar molecule, both derived from nature. It has already been awarded a patent as a liver protective substance (U.S. Patent Office patent #9,149,491), and it has the potential to help prevent tens of thousands of acute liver toxicity cases each year that are derived from alcohol consumption. Yet the federal government is going out of its way to make sure the U.S. public never hears about this.
It’s astonishing. The same government that drips toxic fluoride into the water supply under the false pretense that it’s all for “public health” refuses to allow alcoholic beverage manufacturers to label their products as containing this powerful protective herbal extract that prevents liver damage.
Consider this: If alcohol could be made safer to drink, why wouldn’t the government want everyone to know about that? Covering up this remarkable breakthrough is the equivalent of the federal government outlawing air bags, seatbelts or anti-lock brakes on automobiles.
Remember: The same government that wants to force you to wear a helmet when you ride a bicycle (or a seatbelt when you drive a car) is working AGAINST you find out about a natural plant extract that protects your liver from alcohol damage.
The molecule is called “NTX” and you can read about it at NTXtechnology.com. It’s made primarily from glycyrrhizin, which exhibits tremendous hepatoprotective properties. Check out these published scientific studies about liver protection and glycyrrhizin on SCIENCE.NaturalNews.com:
Protection of liver cells from experimentally induced liver cell injury by glycyrrhizin
Don’t you find it astonishing that the U.S. federal government doesn’t want to make alcohol safer to consume?
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