5 more dieting mistakes to avoid
01/15/2016 / By Michael Bundrant / Comments
5 more dieting mistakes to avoid

Did you think there were only five mistakes beginners make when trying to lose weight? Guess again.

Here are five more, according to Daily Burn.

1. Eating process food

Unless you eat right, you’ll never uncover the muscle hiding behind all those layers of fat. You can exercise all day every day and still never see results if you keep eating processed foods. Invest in good food and your body will thank you by looking its best.

2. Ease Up on the Scale

Weight is more than just the fat on your body. It’s also the muscle, the fluids and the foods. To get a more accurate measurement of your progress, weigh yourself once per day and measure your body (e.g. waist size) too.

3.  Not sleeping enough

Sleep is the time when the body repairs itself. It’s when your muscles grow so you can make more progress at the gym. Should stress prevent you from getting enough sleep, try out meditation to help keep tension low. If you’re really desperate for sleep but can’t turn your mind off at night, try Sleep Switch.

4. Skipping breakfast

Breakfast is not necessary for losing weight, however it does help beginners learn to manage their diets. Simply eating a bowl of oatmeal can help stave off the mid-day snack attack. Many researchers even suggest making breakfast the biggest and turning other meals into smaller affairs.

5. Spot reduction

You can’t have only one area of your body ripped. It’s all or nothing since the body loses fat according to it’s own need. For the best results, find a good weightlifting program and add in a little bit of cardio.




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