The breakfast that leads to eating a smaller lunch
01/14/2016 / By Michael Bundrant / Comments
The breakfast that leads to eating a smaller lunch

A recent study by the New York Nutrition Obesity Research Center has taken on the ever debated topic of oatmeal versus cereal for breakfast. What they found surprised them, as the results raised more questions than answered.

A small study, a group of 18 average weight and 18 overweight participants were given different breakfasts of oatmeal or sugar-sweetened cornflakes. Following this, blood tests were taken to measure insulin, glucose and trace the speed at which the food left the body.

They were each then assigned an unlabeled liquid lunch.

After the results were in, it was the overweight group that spawned the most surprise. Where the normal weight individuals only ate 30% less for lunch following an oatmeal breakfast, the overweight group ate a whopping 50% less.

Interestingly enough, the glycemic index theory held no sway over the results. This belief states that foods lower on the glycemic scale make individuals feel fuller for longer. However, both foods were evenly matched on the glycemic scale, leading researchers to note that the main factor was fiber content.

As for why the overweight participants showed so much change, there are only theories. The most prevalent is that their digestive system was not used to such a high concentration of fiber, meaning the effect was able to manifest itself much stronger than in those used to higher fiber intake.

This may be why chia seeds are all the rage in the natural health sphere. Besides healthy fatty acids, chia seeds are an easy way to add fiber to any meal.



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