Six habits that make your body bloat
01/05/2016 / By Michael Bundrant / Comments
Six habits that make your body bloat

Like so many things, many of our bloating issues come from our own unwitting actions. Stop daily bloating by eliminate these habits.

1. Chewing gum

Though fun and often used to keep the appetite at bay, chewing gum also means swallowing air. If that wasn’t enough, all of the sweeteners, including those in sugar-free options, are well-known to upset the stomach.

2. Eating too quickly

If you inhale food, you’re also inhaling excess air. Beyond this, you are preventing your mouth from doing what it’s supposed to do – breaking food down into digestible bits – resulting in a digestive system thrown into overdrive.

3. Using straws

Air comes up before the liquid and enters into your digestive system. Drink from the cup directly from now on.

4. Snoring

Should you feel your most bloated in the mornings, you might be a snorer. Schedule an appointment with a doctor to check it out and find a solution. Or, use a highly rated home remedy.

5. Fiber

If you’re new to fiber, your body won’t have enough enzymes to deal with it, resulting in a lot more gas. Instead, start with lower amounts and build up to your goal.

6. Stress

An evil we all must learn to live with, stress is also related to bloating. From stress hormones upsetting the stomach to causing air to get sucked in during panic attacks, it only exacerbates an already frustrating situation. To deal with it, relaxation aromatherapy is a great step toward automatic calm.



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